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  1. E

    Where to get Osram Xenarc 66549 HID headlight bulbs for 2012 FFE?

    Thank you so much. The readme file was very helpful.
  2. E

    Where to get Osram Xenarc 66549 HID headlight bulbs for 2012 FFE?

    Did you happen to post the STL file for the wrench? What material did you use? I'm hoping PLA or PETG would work - I can't print ABS. A weird twist and aside. Looking at the pictures of the lamps, this is a really similar assembly to my 2014 Tesla. Removal and replacement of that lamp is so...
  3. E

    Would you sell my Focus Electric and buy this car?

    Seems like a no brainer - go for the Bolt. Well that's assuming you like the Bolt. If the numbers are correct - you really will get $4,000 off the $11,000 purchase price (that's not a gimme - verify 5 times to be sure), it does make financial sense. Guess check the tires - if they are worn out...
  4. E

    Ford is recalling 120v chargers

    Triangles, nice job finding the details about the Bolt EVSE . Wow - 111 pages of conversation. Amazing how the boxes look like exactly the same thing.
  5. E

    Ford is recalling 120v chargers

    Triangles - that is a different experience from me. They really didn't need or want the car. Nice you took it in and they carved up the cubby hole. If I had to guess, you live in an area where there are more than one FFE's and they had some experience with the car. The place I went to, they've...
  6. E

    Ford is recalling 120v chargers

    Sure - sorry I didn't get to this sooner. Doesn't appear to have a part number on the unit. Ah look at that, a generic black handle - did away with the Ford branding - darn.
  7. E

    How to have start charging even though set to "Value Charge"

    Nope, doesn't work that way. There's no secret handshake like that. Pretty sure you can hit charge now inside the car when you plug it in. Haven't used value charge for a long time.
  8. E

    Ford is recalling 120v chargers

    The letter saying they now have parts arrived in late January. We were in the middle of a move - so waited until early Feb to see our new Ford dealer. Nobody there knew anything about the recall - but they were happy to learn. It took about 3 weeks for the Ford dealer in Indiana - near South...
  9. E

    FFE is gone

    What a great story. It is a fantastic car. And congratulations on the Model 3. It is a whole different world in that car. When we turned in our FFE from lease a couple years ago - I could track the car for a few weeks. At some point, Ford figures out you sold the car and turns off your...
  10. E

    Winter tires recommendations.

    Oh forgot - I switched to Michelin Ice-X and hated them. This was on the Focus Titanium ICE. Not the FFE.
  11. E

    Winter tires recommendations.

    Totally agree with Pearl. Blizzaks. All four wheels. Go to Tire Rack and read up on why you want all four corners the same. There actually is another reason for all four - speed sensors with the brakes. You will drive the car crazy trying to stop. The winters will be a larger diameter than the...
  12. E

    1 Year In, thoughts on my FFE

    Well I guess Akua, if you live in Quebec or Ottawa, you have no choice. Isn't it the law, you have to use winter tires. Five winters in Chicago, never stuck one time with the factory tires. That was commuting every single day into the city. Never even came close to a problem. That slippery...
  13. E

    1 Year In, thoughts on my FFE

    No need to prove it with a one off electric 914 - Formula E runs their cars through a gearbox. The habit of shifting gears in a race car is just way too deep to lose, and they optimize the motor for racing. In a street car, a gear box is totally useless.
  14. E

    Thoughts on a Tesla Model 3

    You traitor. How can you work at Ford and drive a Chevy!!!!! Yeah, I had a hard time seeing you driving anything with a gas engine in it!
  15. E

    Thoughts on a Tesla Model 3

    It doesn't hurt to put the daily charging at the far right end of Daily, or roughly 90% (if that's what they said it is). There are people with hundreds of thousands of miles on the clock that have seen virtually NO battery degradation. Personally, I can see maybe 1 or 2 miles lower after 4...