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  1. U

    Error with computing Wh/mi and energy used

    Interesting. I always assumed that it powered, but I did a check just now and found that it stays on for about half an hour after closing the door. It comes back on soon as the door is opened. Thus, the answer to the age old question of whether the light stays on when the refrigerator door is...
  2. U

    Check out my mobile Level 2 charging kit!

    Since the unit is a plug-in and not hardwired, permits and selling the house are only relative to the 240 volt outlet, not the unit itself. (Of course, because you can easily remove the unit.) But you are right that the unit is not UL rated.
  3. U


    Ah, but you can request that the insurance company buy your gas since you wouldn't have to buy gas. And you can show them that your electricity use is only so many cents a mile, so you can just have them offset the gas charges by the small amount you pay for electricity. Worth a try....
  4. U

    Check out my mobile Level 2 charging kit!

    Well, take a look at the Juicebox unit. That is a 120/240 volt unit also. It needs to be set internally if you are using lower amps on 240, also. And for a 30 - 60 amp unit, it is a heck of lot cheaper...
  5. U

    Is the 200 mile afordable battery on it way?

    There are quite a few stations (two in my city) that offer dual CHAdeMO and CCS ("Frankenplug" is an outdated and silly term) charging cables at DC fast charge stations. I don't see this as an impediment to EV adoption. Since the Japanese manufacturers insist on CHAdeMO and the U.S. and European...
  6. U

    Error with computing Wh/mi and energy used

    You do realize that the regular cigarette lighters stay "on" when the car is off? You can just plug the USB into a USB cigarette lighter charger and you won't have to leave the car on. (They make some really nice low-profile chargers...
  7. U

    Stop Safely Now Warning

    And, once you check the charging voltage status while using your 120 volt cord, you may find that the problem is with the FFE not charging properly, as noted in the discussion link I provided.
  8. U

    Anyone driving in L for extended periods seeing better range

    So do I, actually. But don't criticize the foot. I have a well-trained foot that happens to be certified as a cruise control substitute.
  9. U

    Anyone driving in L for extended periods seeing better range

    It is a fascinating discussion. I am a serious recreational bicyclist. (No humor at all.) And on my tandem, as you can well guess, we go down hills pretty darn fast. The uphill, not so much. So the key is to gain as much speed on the downhill so that momentum carries us up the other side. So...
  10. U

    Got my Level 2 EVSE installed today

    Since you are from CA, and we don't have such readers, do you know of any state that does? I cannot find ANYTHING about optical readers being used in traffic enforcement from a Google search.
  11. U


    Airbags do not deploy in a rear collision unless there is some subsequent collision that affects the front or side of the car. There are no airbag sensors in the rear of the car, nor are sensors (and airbags) necessary for a rear collision unless it is extremely violent and results in a rollover...
  12. U

    Maintenance Schedule?

    Check engine (if equipped)
  13. U

    Anyone driving in L for extended periods seeing better range

    I used to be a proponent of using the "L" selector only when slowing. But my theory is now that if you have the "foot sense" to be able to properly control the accelerator, using "L" shouldn't really cause any adverse issues. The key is understanding that anytime you are using regenerative...
  14. U

    Stop Safely Now Warning

    That may be correct, but when you charge your traction battery for the FFE, the 12 volt battery is also charged. Thus, you get the 12 volt battery charged both when you drive the car AND when you charge your car. By the way, there...
  15. U

    Error with computing Wh/mi and energy used

    Just curious, why do you want the accessories to stay on while you charge the car?
  16. U

    Got my Level 2 EVSE installed today

    We have no automated readers in California. How would they work? Do they count the people in the car for those who don't have stickers? How would they know whether you are a carpooler or an EV? Of course, we have transponders, but nothing as advanced as optical readers. I don't understand how...
  17. U

    Polling FFE owners for real data.

    I think that is what they charge on the first service if you don't go back to your selling dealer. Since all the service does is check things and rotate tires, that is what they charged me also. Wash job, but they didn't put a charge on it. :(
  18. U

    National Drive Electric Day at Huntington Beach, CA

    I'm mostly worried that of 60 EVs registered, there are 15 Leafs and only 2 FFEs. (At least I have company.)
  19. U

    National Drive Electric Day at Huntington Beach, CA

    For those FFE owners in the LA area who want to see some amazing EVs AND spend a day at the beach, go see the posting and registration for the Huntington Beach National Drive Electric Day. National Drive Electric Week Event - Huntington Beach...
  20. U

    Got my Level 2 EVSE installed today

    I thought it a bit odd to have a carpool sticker on the left front of the car. The only time another driver could read the sticker would be when you are OUT of the carpool lane. (And then, it doesn't help much to read the sticker.)