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  1. F

    Potential FFE owner.

    Maybe my car is sub-par, but I would not take even a 47 mile all-highway trip in the middle of a cold spell in Kansas City. I can make such a trip using back roads and no heat, but in really cold weather (below 10F) range goes in the toilet. The often quoted 19.5 kW-hr of available battery...
  2. F

    Potential FFE owner.

    Just a point of clarification if it matters for your situation. The FFE will not do 70 miles comfortably (or likely at all) in cold winter temperatures at highway speeds.
  3. F

    Ouch A/C costs 22 miles of range?

    If you are in Arizona, preconditioning while plugged in would probably help out.
  4. F

    Stop Safely Now Warning

    Similar article is running on AutoBlog:
  5. F

    Stop Safely Now Warning

    Some of those who have been affected by the SSN problem may want to chime in at InsideEV's to help elevate the profile of the SSN issue. I think it is ridiculous that Ford is addressing the side marker light with a recall and seems to not even acknowledge that there is a much bigger problem...
  6. F

    First 12Volt Battery Dies, Then SSN - a correlation?

    I've charged almost exclusively on Level 2 and have not ever had a SSN message (only one partial charge on 120V). Not what you asked, but another data point.
  7. F

    8pm PST 7/29 app/site won't update car status - anyone else?

    I'm very familiar with their "process". They have had me go through their "process" at least 5 times over the last 5 weeks in trying to fix communication between my car and MyFordMobile after the software update. I have spoken to Cynthia, Tamika, Donna, and Nick and they all want to go through...
  8. F

    A little concerned about 120V charging now

    One thing I didn't note is that since the cooling accessories run off of the 12V system, the load would be supplied from the traction battery through the DC-DC converter to the 12V system. If the accessory draw on the traction battery is high enough, the 120V EVSE may not keep up resulting in a...
  9. F

    A little concerned about 120V charging now

    I've looked through these documents before and still say we don't know much about the battery cooling system. Specifically, we don't know whether the battery cooling includes fan, pump and radiator only or a refrigerant loop. Without this, we can't really even speculate on the loads the system...
  10. F

    A little concerned about 120V charging now

    Unfortunately, we don't know much about what the battery cooling system entails. I've always assumed it included a refrigerant loop for certain conditions since you would not get much cooling in an enclosed garage that may be hotter than the target temperature for the battery (which I believe is...
  11. F

    A little concerned about 120V charging now

    I'd suspect that trying to do both charging and battery conditioning duties using 120V may be asking too much. What is the maximum amperage that Ford's 120V EVSE can deliver? What kW would the cooling circuit alone require? If 120V can supply cooling load, there can't be much left over to...
  12. F

    Lifetime Summary Screen

    Mine also does not go past 99 miles. Can't say I ever really noticed it nor am I surprised, as even with the update SYNC is riddled with bugs. If a miracle happens and Ford continues to support this car with software updates, we'll be lucky if a majority of the bugs are exorcised by the time...
  13. F

    Problems with myford mobile

    Update - Got another call from Ford on my issues today. The call back number they gave me was for MyFordMobile, when I spoke to them they said it was a SYNC issue and transferred me to SYNC support. SYNC support reviewed the file and said I should contact MyFordMobile. The rep sensed my...
  14. F

    Problems with myford mobile

    My situation is comical. I got another call from Ford yesterday asking me to go through the whole delete the car, do system reset from car, add car etc. This is the third or fourth time I've been through their script with different reps. I'm in an endless loop... :roll:
  15. F

    Problems with myford mobile

    Just updating on this issue. I have had multiple discussions with various people at Ford technical support. Each time I explain what has occurred and what I've done to try and fix the issue. Each time they go through their script to try and resolve (I assume) the typical easy to resolve issues...
  16. F

    GE Watt Station red light

    I was the one with two faulty GE Wattstation units. The initial unit worked fine for a full year before going bad and refusing to charge. The first replacement unit never worked, the second one has been working for about 2 weeks now. Based on my discussions with GE, there is a flashing light...
  17. F

    Problems with myford mobile

    After the SYNC software update, my car has again refused to communicate. I have tried the previously successful deletion of the car from my account, removing and replacing the telematics fuse, and even completely deleting the MyFordMobile account. Nothing has worked this time, so I contacted...
  18. F

    Electric Focus range and budget

    Yes, the Guess-O-Meter (GOM - I like WindPowered's term) gets pretty optimistic when the temperature is warm. I regularly see 110+ predicted in the summer. I'll be really impressed and you should post it if you can make it that far - without getting stranded. :mrgreen:
  19. F

    SYNC update is available!

    Another thing I have observed with the updated software is a change in the way the car behaves when fully charged and still plugged in. Before, if any door or the hatch was opened in this condition the car would begin a short charging cycle. I've never bothered to see if the car draws much...