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  1. J

    Leasing in GA (continuation from other thread)

    The frightening thing is the fact that dealerships out there are charging $599 for their doc fee. Ours is $129 because that's close to legitimately what it costs us to manage the items in the state requirement and we dont' charge one on a lease. The higher doc fee allows them to advertise...
  2. J

    FFE Available in Wisconsin

    I have 6 sold customer ordered FFE's coming in this month. I also was able to snare one for stock so it is available. It is black with the cloth interior. I may have a lead on a white one as well. It also has cloth. I actually ordered it for a city bid because the Nissan dealer had one in...
  3. J

    2015 Focus official Ford Page

    I just received some info from Ford on the 2015. It is very generic but does say the 15 will receive new tailgate, taillamps and rear fascia. It will also be available in Ruby Red (not sure about Race Red). Those are the only exterior changes showing. For the interior, the door locks...
  4. J

    New Lease deals...

    At the time, Ford was offering the dealers a "marketing allowance" because they had announced that the 2014's would have lower MSRP's. They also had a year end program since the lease deals ended for the 2013's on Dec 31st. That's why the dealer wanted so bad to get it gone that day. There...
  5. J

    Good / Bad Lease Deal

    Congratulations and enjoy!! A "good deal" is always a personal opinion and I'm glad you think you got one. I'm sure your salesperson will be excited to see you whenever you stop in (although it won't be much with just having to do tire rotations). John
  6. J

    Good / Bad Lease Deal

    How come there's no "like" button for posts?
  7. J

    2015 Focus official Ford Page

    Word is the Edge Energi will have a 25 mile range, and that it's a programming change that Ford will be offering to previous CMax and Fusion Energi owners. I haven't heard anything concrete on a Focus Energi but my owner said in a meeting that they mentioned Focus Energi and Hybrid. John
  8. J

    FFE Available in Wisconsin

    hybridbear - This one has sold, the customer finally got his charging station installed and picked it up last night. John Chady
  9. J

    Good / Bad Lease Deal

    hybridbear - The Ford lease calculator is closer. I don't think it's adding in taxes or licensing though. That why I mentioned that it would be closer to $350. You are correct that there aren't many up that way so that gives you a disadvantage when trying to negotiate. Ordering out is the...
  10. J

    Good / Bad Lease Deal

    Plus there's the Exterior Protection Package (Rear Bumper Protector and Mudflaps) Code 90C.
  11. J

    Good / Bad Lease Deal

    Actually the cover and charge cord are accessories that are ordered and billed through the factory as an option. They are order code 76B (cover), 76A (cord bag) as well as 96D (charge port graphic). They are part of the car as built and are included on the original window sticker, not on a...
  12. J

    Electric Vehicle Club

    Jeff, I like the idea of this and may try to start with just a "get-together" and see how many people we can get interested. The big issue is our range, getting people to the spot and having enough power to get home. I am talking with one of my customers that bought a FFE who happens to own a...
  13. J

    Go Times ?

    Hey everyone, I just recently switched to Time of Use billing on my electricity and have a question in regards to the Go Times. The more expensive window is from 8 am to 8 pm. My wife leaves for work between 8 and 8:30. I currently have the Go Times set to have the cabin preconditioned to 72...
  14. J

    Ford sells 177 FFE's in March

    They need more sales people like me :D
  15. J

    FFE Available in Wisconsin

    I've been thinking of doing something at the local bowling alley. He has a FFE and a 220 charger onsite. Plus he's only two doors down from us and our 2 Chargers and I have a 220 at my house only a mile away.
  16. J

    FFE Available in Wisconsin

    Just put another order in for a customer, this one will be white with the cloth interior. They pitted me up against the Leaf but both the car and the salesperson were inferior. :D
  17. J

    April Fools Joke????-HOPE NOT!

    The $11000 is the incentive for the lease programs. Ford has not raised the purchase incentive, still at $6000. This information is for the Midwest region. As to what you are eligible for on an order out, I'll try and explain. Most larger dealers, you get what is available at time of...
  18. J

    Good / Bad Lease Deal

    It appears the rebate on the lease went up $250 but the residual went down 1%. Only makes a difference of about $3 a month.
  19. J

    FFE Available in Wisconsin

    I just got word that 2 of my Order Outs just got pushed through by Ford. We got the only two allocations for the entire Chicago region. Pushing to get a 3rd one because I had another customer order one on Saturday.
  20. J

    Good / Bad Lease Deal

    Congrats and enjoy mdashali !!