Battery not accepting charge

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Good girl

New member
Apr 5, 2013
After 10 days with my 2013 focus ev, the battery stopped accepting a charge. Had the car towed to the dealership who could not find a fix. Battery now being shipped to Ford, refurbished and shipped back to the dealership. I fear this may take close to 30 days,after which point I officially have a lemon. Ford paying for my renting a clearly inferior car. Anyone else have a similar experience or am I just unlucky?
Based on the underwhelming response to this post, I'd guess that you might be the first.

What did the dealer give you as an estimated completion date? If not, I'd call the dealer and insist that they think it through for you and give you a detailed time line. Then I'd call them daily for status and plan forward.

Mine was gone for only a few days for a bad inside temp sensor module (bent pins were the culprit), but every day it was in there I asked for what was done, what happens next, and latest estimate for completion. Dealer was very professional, courteous, and responsive whenever I called, and I would expect the same from your dealer.

As far as the loaner... what did they give you? Just curious.
I'm in the same boat with you. The ffe I'm using as a company vehicle will not charge with a 240v Chargepoint charger. The station is tripping on overcurrent. I also recently had a station trip on ground fault. The car is driving normal but now I can't get it to charge at all. I have heard that the 12v battery can give problems so I may try charging that up. Does anyone know a reset procedure for the car? I bet this is some computer glitch.
Try the 120 volt charging cord found in the trunk of the car, or a different charging station. The problem you are seeing could be a charging station problem. So the goal here is to isolate the problem to the vehicle or charging station.
knarfwhite said:
I'm in the same boat with you. The ffe I'm using as a company vehicle will not charge with a 240v Chargepoint charger. The station is tripping on overcurrent. I also recently had a station trip on ground fault. The car is driving normal but now I can't get it to charge at all. I have heard that the 12v battery can give problems so I may try charging that up. Does anyone know a reset procedure for the car? I bet this is some computer glitch.

I might very well be in this same boat as I have yet to be able to charge on 240. I'll be trying again on monday.

If you do a Factory reset on the car it does drop the custom charge times. That's when mine started to crap out. I couldn't charge on a 240 volta charger and have yet to try to plug it in to another. Monday I'll try the same 2 Volta stations, if it doesn't charge it's to Jeff's house to try and if that doesn't work off to the dealer.

When mine refused to charge I couldn't click "Charge now" and have it do anything. That screen just froze. I could switch to value charge but again, couldn't click it.
Good news, for me, I can charge @ 240. Though my 2nd quadrant of my charge ring doesn't work, since the 3rd day of owning the car.