Can't get value charging to work...what am I doing wrong???

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2013
Los Angeles, CA

I'm trying to set up a default value charging schedule. I have weekdays and weekends both set for 4 AM to 6 AM.

However, when I try to charge, it starts immediately (7 PM, for example, but does show 6 AM as the stop time.

To the edit default value charge, the correct numbers ARE shown. But when I go to actually, charge, the start time is now, the end time is the programmed value end time.

I've tried toggling between Charge Now and Value, but it always starts now.

Is is broken, or am I doing something wrong???

Value Charging does not work with a Level 1 EVSE (like the one included with the car) it takes too long so the charging always starts immediately. Although Value Charging still has issues when using a Level 2 EVSE, you'll get much more sensible behavior.

What type of EVSE are you using?
I apologize for starting a second thread on this subject. I didn't realize there was already one in place.

I think I understand what's going on....

To answer your question, I'm using a 6 KW level 2 charger, but I was trying to use the value charge option to force a partial charge. I've been experimenting, and it looks like the value charge works OK provided there is enough time in the window for the charge to complete. If not (and that's the situation I had been trying to force) it starts immediately.

So if, for example, my estimated charge time would be 2.5 hours, and my window was from 4 AM to 6 AM, the charge would start immediately. However if I would extend the window to run until 7 AM, the start time would be 4 and the end time 6:30.

What I haven't tried (since it doesn't help my objective) is to see if it would charge immediately for a half hour, then shut down til 4 AM. And I don't know if it tests the EVSE to determine actual charge current before proceeding or if it relies on the 120/240 option that the user selects.

I also don't know if it acts differently with specific location value charging. I tried the default only.