TexasFFE, I'm with you brother. Ford should get with the program. Offer upgrades to existing customers for their existing vehicles. Just like in video games. If Ford did that, and made a nice website to compliment...they would see a 1000% increase in webpage visits. Once upgrades are available, those details should be pushed to the car's screen to remind the customer of his/her options. Ford is such followers, only reason they invested in 'electrified vehicles' is because all the other car companies were blowing them out of the water. WAKE UP CALL, you're too late! Need to figure out something else. Vehicle upgrades.
Telsa has the right idea and is why I will make the switch. Tesla is American, just like Ford. Thank god. I know in 5 years I can upgrade my Telsa instead of having to buy an entire new vehicle. Most vehicles owners don't need a new vehicle frame, seats, motor, etc at 5 years...but would be interested in purchasing electrical components...with a warranty. Increase service products. Ford will most likely take the course of action of least resistance, increasing immediate profits by not changing anything. This guarantees management ability to line their pockets with fat bonuses and have good performance evaluations now, hoping big government will bail them out again when they fail due to lack of change to customer demands.
Eventually, once the current political lobbyist and entwined senior leadership old farts die off and the younger generation customer's voice/ideas are heard...the good ol' boy system that has been supplying companies like Ford and their antiquated methods of doing business fade away, will do just that. Current Ford senior management can be summed up with one word = lackership.