FFE lemons?

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New member
Jun 24, 2014
I've been trying to decide between a Sonata and FFE. I just came across three FFE's on cars.com that were in my price range but they were buyback/lemons. two were 2012's and one 13. The strangest thing is I can't find any certified FFE's, only used.
Why no certified's?

Would one need to have their head examined for even considering a "buyback?"
vinny186 said:
Would one need to have their head examined for even considering a "buyback?"
Given the trouble some people have had with their FFE, and that has resulted in a buy back, I would steer clear.

Look for a new one.
Yeh, steer clear of buyback, but do seriously consider the basic car.
I believe the vast majority of the FFE's are good, and I am thoroughly convinced that the design is very good.
We love ours, after almost 2 years and 20,000 miles.
The advantages of pure battery-electric are substantial.
JTCalif said:
Yeh, steer clear of buyback, but do seriously consider the basic car.
I believe the vast majority of the FFE's are good, and I am thoroughly convinced that the design is very good.
We love ours, after almost 2 years and 20,000 miles.
The advantages of pure battery-electric are substantial.

@vinny186: To be clear, I absolutely love my FFE. I just think some cars (a very small number) have had persistent problems. Others, like mine, seem to be flawless. It's the best car I've ever had. I too have about 20,000 miles on mine after 1.5 years.
I second WattsUp's comment. I tell EVERYONE the FFE is the best car I've owned, and my last three were BMW's.

For the record...second best is the Volt. I'd take it, too, over any ICE car I've owned.
I'll pile on and agree with WattsUp - it is a great car. Understand the range and how you will use the car. Ford did a fantastic job on this car. Oh, and I own a Tesla too.

Why doesn't Ford certify FFEs? Don't know if they do or don't. I'm not sure there are a lot of used FFEs around. There aren't that many on the road to begin with. So the number of potential used cars is small - maybe not worth the certification process. I'm only guessing.
More piling on: My FFE is my most favorite car I've ever owned (no Tesla here though, mostly Ford's since I used to work there and still have family that work there).

I first got the ICE Focus and loved that--just the base Focus is a really nice car (that's what many people don't get: Ford designed an excellent car for their "everyday"/"everyman's" car). The FFE started with that and only got better...
While it's not my favorite car 'ever', we're thrilled with our FFE. And at this point, we're all in with two BEVs in the driveway. Can't wait for the day that there's an AWD BEV available. When that day comes there will no longer be an ICE in our driveway.

You know what they say...

I think a big reason you don't see the FFE being certified is, in part, the added cost. The rebates at $6,000 on a new purchase and $11,000 on a lease, making a used FFE competitive in price is tough enough w/o adding the certified label.

Another, arguably bigger, reason is that the biggest benefit to a certified vehicle is the 100k powertrain warranty. Your FFE has an 8yr/100k warranty on the Electrical components already, so you don't get a lot of value added on a certified.

Havill-Spoerl Ford Lincoln
Fort Atkinson, WI