So my average this time of year is about $500-$560. But we were pretty conservative this year. Electrical was about $500 of that. Total kWh consumption was up to 1700 vs 1200 in the year ago period (+/-). So, in analyzing the bill, I'm clearly going to have to move to E-9B if I'm going to stick with this EV deal, and that means adding another meter. I looked into it today and it is going to take 1.) an electrician, 2.) a city permit, and 3.) installation of a new panel (a parallel main panel from the same street feed). So, I'm looking into this with a buddy that is an electrician and might be able to cut costs a bit. Still, a wake up call to TCO. I'd just hate to have all this work done and then some alternative plan come along in 2 years that doesn't require a separate meter. Anyone know how much a separate main panel would cost, along with permits? How about the base rate of electricity on that 2nd meter? .04/kWh sounds good but I don't want to pay a $50 base rate on top of that...I'm not selling my old BMW just yet.
Anyone have any advice that have addressed the 2nd meter changeover already? What was the damage $$$?
Anyone have any advice that have addressed the 2nd meter changeover already? What was the damage $$$?