Most Efficient Defrost

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Oct 7, 2013
Northern Colorado
What is the best way to get defrost on the car to work without having the heater kick in and kill the range? Is it even possible without making yourself freeze from the AC being on?

In the morning the best way is to setup a go time and set the temperature to the highest setting (85F):
Here is my car last night after a small snowfall:

And here is my car this morning ready to go at my set go time:

With the car set to 85F I don't even have to run the defrost/heat at all during my commute on most mornings (at least when its around 32F). This morning I still had to run it a little bit as some of the spots in the windshield that still had ice tended to fog up a little.
If I do need to run defrost I run it with the temp on "LO", the fan on its lowest setting and the A/C off--it will blow cold air on the windshield. After driving with the car at 85F for a few miles this cold air is actually kind of refreshing! :eek:
Note that when using the go times and its this cold out the car actually turns on and starts to warm up about 1 hour before the go time.
Off the subject but the car looks so much better with no front plate. I think I may take mine off.