I know what you are talking about. I think you can find more useful information here. The problem with customer support is that they are set up to tell customers about what is in the manual. They really don't know much about trouble shooting than what is in their flip chart. And when they get to the end without a solution, they tell you to reset the car. In fact, after the myfordmobile update, I can no longer update my "home" value charging. I've got two "home" profiles. For pure entertainment purposes, I called customer support. And, as I suspect, I was told to reset.
However, I did not reset because it is currently charging at the correct time at "home" and I didn't want to end up with something not working.
Anyway, way back when, when my car stopped syncing with MyFordMobile, I did the F1 fuse thing. It didn't work. I had to go into the car's "settings" and do the reset. It clears everything except your odometer. The radio presets, bluetooth phone, address book, etc will have to be re-entered. After that, I think the myfordmobile automatically disconnected from the car. If not, clear that too.
When I did this, I went back to myfordmobile and entered in my car. The difference this time vs the first time I did this is that I did not see the "confirmation" message. The system seems to know that your account had the car and you are simply doing a reset. So after that, everything is ok.
I think there is someone else on this board who still can't get one of their two FFEs registered....it says it is registered to someone else. Also, others are having problems with value charge and may be related to your issue. But at the some time, others are perfectly happy. So here's an idea if you haven't tried it yet: If you don't mind losing your historical data, try setting up a new myfordmobile account. I would think that the car, after a reset, would be completely brain washed waiting for a new connection. If anything is gumming up the works, it has got to be the myfordmobile site. I think the transition of the site earlier this month wasn't a perfect transition and some of the database is likely messed up...which is likely why I have two "home" profiles and I cannot modify or delete either one. So if Ford isn't helping you, then at last resort, try opening a new myfordmobile account. Just an idea. I have no precedent to do so other than it seems like it would be a fresh start.