My Ford Mobile won't update / problems with value charge

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Aug 2, 2013
My ford mobile app and the myfordmobile website will not update to the most current information on my car. The locator isn't working and I am unable to start my car.

Is anyone else running into this problem? does anyone know a fix? Ford customer service isn't any help at all!

Also, I am unable to choose value charge or set value charge settings. I was able to do this before, but I cant even select value charge anymore! When I turn off the car, the value charge/charge now option is dimmed out and wont let me choose. It also won't tell me when and how long the car needs to charge and when It will be finished. They are dimmed out with a -- in the times.

Thanks for reading
You're not alone. I don't use value charging, but am having similar issues with updates/commands. Most of the time they don't work, just say "Update failed". Occasionally, it works, but then stops working again. My car's GPS location is also not very accurately reported in MFM, even though navigation in the car seems fine.

I also receive lots of a (apparently bogus) "Warning light on" notifications, whenever I park and turn off the car. I've also had a persistent "Battery System Health" red icon in the app/site since the update (which I also think is bogus; never saw it before). Other people have reported both of these issues too.

Things used to work pretty reliably for me right up to the big update. :|
ugh... so frustrating. and now I just found out there has been a recall on the Powertrain Control Module Reprogram or sumthing? so I have to take this into the dealer to fix this. I guess it will prevent the stop safely now message that can turn off your car. I haven't experienced this yes knock on wood. Also I found out there is a my sync update that I need to get as well and was told this would fix the my ford mobile app and website that doesn't work at all right now. we will see... I hope all these updates won't screw up my car more! good luck everyone! has anyone had these updates yet?
yes both of them. My car is perfectly happy after both.

The recall will be quoted as 1.5 hours, but should only take between 30 and 60 minutes. You can do the MyFordTouch update if you want. It takes about 30 minutes I seem to recall, and requires a USB memory stick. Just don't interrupt the process even though the car looks like it is dead and doing nothing. And make sure the car is running or the green car on light is on. Have something else to occupy yourself during the update - it's best to ignore what happens on the screen.
I have, and so far so good. I have noticed a few changes after the two recalls were performed... 13C07 and 13S09...'09 being the SSN issue and '07 being the warning chime.
1) The line in the lcd display right of the speedometer that was about 1/2" from the left edge is now gone. I've noticed this on FFEs and other Ford products with similar displays. Anyway, this was a welcome fix.
2) The cruise control used to draw a car to the left side of the left lcd display when it was on. Now, I small speedometer symbol appears at the bottom of the left lcd display. When on but disengated, the icon is white, and green when engaged. I don't really care too much, but I liked the car logo better as it was more visible at a glance.
3) I just noticed that the two little white triangle markers that indicate the average Watts/mile are gone from the left lcd display when showing that particular configuration. The vertical meter next to the battery symbol (when configured in this fashion) used to show average consumption (white triangles on both sides of the verticle meter), blue outline in a 'U' shape (showing the level of consumption needed to get the estimated distance indicated in the battery symbol), and the current consumption (horizontal blue bar within the verticle meter showing the instantainious power. Perhaps they just changed how it works, but in my standard display configuration, it is gone.

As for SSN, I only had it happen once in 9000 miles. I hope to never see it again...either in my car or on this forum.
hxbruno said:
My ford mobile app and the myfordmobile website will not update to the most current information on my car. The locator isn't working and I am unable to start my car.

Is anyone else running into this problem?
About a month prior to the site move I had this problem. Everything working fine and then all of a sudden it wouldn't update. Click the "update" button and it just came back "unable to contact vehicle." Was like that for weeks until tech support told me to delete the car and do a reset, then add the car back on again. Things have only gotten worse from there. Now it won't even let me log on.
davideos said:
2) The cruise control used to draw a car to the left side of the left lcd display when it was on. Now, I small speedometer symbol appears at the bottom of the left lcd display.
Hmm, the cruise control status has always been displayed that way in my 2013 FFE, which was built in Oct 2012 and has not yet had any updates applied. I never saw a car symbol... always the speedometer symbol at the bottom-left of the left-hand LCD display. What year is your FFE?

My complaint is that the difference between the inactive state (the symbol looks "gray" to me) and active state (pale green) is extremely subtle. Not terribly smart color choices on the part of the UI designers, in an otherwise fairly smartly designed series of displays.

davideos said:
3) I just noticed that the two little white triangle markers that indicate the average Watts/mile are gone from the left lcd display when showing that particular configuration.
Are you sure the option simply hasn't been reset and you need to turn it back on? I would be pretty bummed if the average energy usage indicators (the triangles) were taken away.

Can anyone else confirm this?
WattsUp said:
davideos said:
2) The cruise control used to draw a car to the left side of the left lcd display when it was on. Now, I small speedometer symbol appears at the bottom of the left lcd display.
Hmm, the cruise control status has always been displayed that way in my 2013 FFE, which was built in Oct 2012 and has not yet had any updates applied. I never saw a car symbol... always the speedometer symbol at the bottom-left of the left-hand LCD display. What year is your FFE?

Yeah, that's why I don't like the new is harder to notice. I have a 2012 FFE built in June of 2012, but it was after these last 2 updates that it was changed. I'm not sure which one because I had them done about a week apart.

As for the triangles, I don't always look for them. I had the updaes done at the beginning of the month and haven't noticed till now. I'll play around with the configuration and see if I can get it to come back on; however, I haven't changed anything. It isn't that big of a deal; however, I have like having it there. I'll let you know if I can get it back on....but someone else who has had the update might be able to confirm...provided they use that particular summary on the left side.
As for the triangles, I don't always look for them. I had the updaes done at the beginning of the month and haven't noticed till now. I'll play around with the configuration and see if I can get it to come back on; however, I haven't changed anything. It isn't that big of a deal; however, I have like having it there. I'll let you know if I can get it back on....but someone else who has had the update might be able to confirm...provided they use that particular summary on the left side.

Operator error...sort of. I found that all I needed to do was change the select from "Budget" to "Budget + Average" and I got the triangles back. I had set it up months ago and haven't touched it. I would blame the update or something else, but may have done something inadvertently.

Now if only I could get the car outline for the cruise control back :)
Everything was just perfectly fine. I'd been using my home 120v charger.. The FIRST time I charged at a 240v charge station, everything went haywire. No more gps locator, no more remote start, no more MyFordMobile anything. I'm about to reset the car (remove the cable from the 12v battery....