Pushing the limits

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New member
Jun 22, 2013
Does anybody know how many miles you can still drive AFTER getting to zero miles remaining and displaying the warning to "Stop and Pull Over to Safely Stop"?

I assume there is some safety margin built-in when this warning displays. I drove about a mile and still had power when I finally stopped.
I could only go about about a mile after I got the "Charge Depleted" message before the charge was really depleted, but I was going uphill. Here's my full story on it:


So were you conducting an experiment on pushing the limit, or did you hit the limit unintentionally?
Partially both. I was trying to get to/from a destination in the mountains. I got there with only 10 miles left - after going up to 3,400 ft/38.4mi. Made it all the way back down, near my home when I got the 'all stop' message. I kept driving an extra 3/4 mi or so and made it into my garage.

I just wondered if there was more 'margin of error' than what appeared.