Rear camera view stays activated in D or L?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2013
SF Bay Area, CA
Maybe I've just never noticed this before, but can anyone else verify (or refute) that the rear camera view stays activated once you shift from R into D (or L) until the car starts moving forward?

In other words, in my FFE, when I shift from P to R (to back out of a parking spot) the rear camera activates. So far, so good. Then, when I shift from R into D or L (to drive off) the rear camera view stays activated. But, once I start moving, after a couple seconds, the rear camera view deactivates. Is this the same behavior you see in your FFE?

I could swear that the rear camera immediately deactivated when shifting from R into any other selection, but I may have just never stayed still in D or L very long after shifting out of R to notice that it stays activated until the car starts moving forward.
And so you are right, jm! Thanks. :cool: I guess the delay setting is so you can continue to monitor around the car as you pull away? (I wish there was a setting to just turn on the rear camera whenever you liked... it would just be fun!)

Anyway, hmmm, I wonder if my rear camera settings were corrupted? :? The other day (about a week ago) I started to drive away only to notice that every one of my "My View" customizations (for the left-hand side of the instrument cluster) were all reset, or at least changed around. They had been set the way I prefer for at least the previous several weeks. But, I had to customize it all over again. I have no idea what happened with that, but... perhaps similarly (or maybe even at the same time) the rear camera settings were corrupted as well?

Anyone else experience something like that with these or other settings? Just have the FFE suddenly forget or reset things?