So I got the data using Forscan ( It is a ODB (On Board Diagnostic) reader program that is setup specifically for Ford Vehicles. Some one spent a lot of time building that awesome program and figuring out what all the data actually meant. Download the program, pick up a 12 dollar ODB2 Reader off amazon, and start pulling all kinds of amazing stats. There must be over 150 data point you can look at on our car all with something like 5ms refresh rates too.
At the time I was recording
- Bat Pack Voll (Full pack voltage)
- Batcurbecm (Full Battery current)
- avertemp (average battery temp?)
- Bat_cool_inlettemp (battery outlet coolant temp)
- Bat_in_Cooltemp (battery inlet coolant temp)
- Bat_to_empty_estim (watt hours remaining)
- Discharge limit (max KW allowed to be pulled from battery
- Hev_bat_var_v (highest offset voltage between cells)
- H_Batt_temp (additional battery temp monitor)
- Max_ECU_temp (ECU temp max)
This is the ODB2 USB device I purchased: