Remote start & climate control

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
How do you manage the settings for climate control when using remote start? Do you need to leave the HVAC system on when you shut the car off to do this? How does the car know what you want done with the HVAC system when you remote start? If you leave the windows ajar in the summer for venting and then remote start will the car control the HVAC system differently because the windows are open?

I tried searching for info on this but couldn't find anything that addressed it.
Try downloading the owner's guide here:

There is a settings menu where you configure it. You can set it up for last operation, automatic, etc.

When preconditioning you can set it to one of three temperatures: 65F, 72F, or 85F.
jmueller065 said:
Try downloading the owner's guide here:

There is a settings menu where you configure it. You can set it up for last operation, automatic, etc.

When preconditioning you can set it to one of three temperatures: 65F, 72F, or 85F.
When you set it to automatic, how does it determine what to do?
hybridbear said:
When you set it to automatic, how does it determine what to do?
A very good question. I'm not sure the answer but would speculate that it uses the ambient outside temp to figure out what to do (and most likely just acts like the HVAC is set to "Auto 72F" with the A/C On if the ambient outside temp is >72F.)

I leave mine set to auto and have used remote start in both very cold and very warm weather conditions. The car has always done the appropriate thing for the current weather conditions (e.g. in the summer turn on the A/C and in the winter turn on the heat + defrost).
jmueller065 said:
hybridbear said:
When you set it to automatic, how does it determine what to do?
A very good question. I'm not sure the answer but would speculate that it uses the ambient outside temp to figure out what to do (and most likely just acts like the HVAC is set to "Auto 72F" with the A/C On if the ambient outside temp is >72F.)

I leave mine set to auto and have used remote start in both very cold and very warm weather conditions. The car has always done the appropriate thing for the current weather conditions (e.g. in the summer turn on the A/C and in the winter turn on the heat + defrost).
Thanks for the reply Jamie. I've enjoyed reading all your posts on your blog. They've been very informative as we look at getting a Focus Electric. Does having the windows partially open have any impact on how the car behaves? I often leave windows slightly open in the summer to vent the car so it doesn't get as warm inside. But perhaps with the Focus Electric and remote start from the MFM app I will need to change my behavior.
hybridbear said:
Does having the windows partially open have any impact on how the car behaves?
I can't answer that question: My habit is to close & lock everything before walking away from the vehicle. I would suspect that it would work as well as if you were driving around with the HVAC on and the windows cracked (e.g. I doubt it changes its behavior with the windows open--even though the car would "know" about the windows being open).