Thermal Management System

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New member
Aug 22, 2013
I was looking into the focus ev thermal management system but could only find the basic brochure details. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction, or let me know a more detailed description of the exact components that are used in the system, what are used to cool/heat the battery, cabin etc and what the system might weigh. I appreciate any help.
ETL said:
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction, or let me know a more detailed description of the exact components that are used in the system, what are used to cool/heat the battery, cabin etc and what the system might weigh. I appreciate any help.

I have tried to find technical information on the FFE, and haven't had much success. There was so much published on the Volt, I could make a book. (In fact, one was made.) But finding anything on the FFE has been a frustration.
Thanks for the reply unplugged.
I know the feeling. Yeah it seems everything is covered for the volt! I was trying to get some details for an all electric car, instead of a hybrid, so I thought the ford focus would be a good example as it is family hatchback. I'll probably have to go with one of the teslas instead.
Sadly, GM wanted the Volt to be a success, and Ford doesn't care about BEV's.

Actually, that's not quite fair. Ford cares slightly more about BEV's than most manufacturers, because at least the Focus EV is available outside CARB states. I wonder if GM will do the same with the Spark?

Ford has stated time and time again that they're more interested in Hybrids.

Also: GM designed the Volt in-house; The Focus EV was outsourced. Perhaps they would have more pride in it if they had a bigger hand in creating it?
I imagine they would have greater pride in something built in house. From a light bit of reading I found that the system was made by Magna E-Car. Would I be wrong in assuming that the thermal management system is based off this patent?
ETL said:
I found that the system was made by Magna E-Car.
Yes, thanks for the info on Magna E-Car. I also found an interesting SAE article on all the subcontracts for the FFE, down to the charging cord. It doesn't have a whole lot about the thermal management, but it has more than I've seen in most articles: