Very low quality tires?

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New member
Mar 13, 2013
I just bought a 2012 FFE and I noticed all 4 tires have some small cracks in the rubber near the rim edge. It looks like the rubber is very old. The tires have 1012 for manufacture date, that means first week of march 2012. My dealer says is nothing to worry about but I'm not swallowing this. I do not intend to buy new tires for a new car. Go check your tires guys and if it's the case let's bitch to Michelin to release quality tires on the market.
I would contact a Michelin dealership directly as soon as possible and have them inspected. This could be a manufactures defect, and see what they say. Low tire pressure, or over loading may cause this problem. But I'm no tire expert. If you can't get a satisfactory answer contact Michelin directly.