Like JMueller, I use it to check on charge level, location of the car, and trip history with how many wh/mi were used (the FFE is used as a daily commuter, pretty much the same road every day - I like to see differences).
The forum used to be outstanding and really helpful. And then Ford decided to blend in the Plug In Hybrid group - who manage to post anywhere they like - especially in the BEV threads. A few hybrid owners post irrelevant responses to FFE owners. And the forum has mostly died (except when a few real FFE users pop back in).
I agree with the rankings - I used to look at those daily. After they totally messed up the calculations and then supposedly "fixed" them - I have absolutely no confidence in the rankings any more. I called in a support ticket the day they fouled up the rankings. About every 3 weeks I got a call from Ford asking if there was still a problem. Yes there is. OK, thank you. Nothing got fixed, nothing changed, they just said thank you and hung up.
Then somebody asked if they could have my password so the engineers could see what I see. H, E double hockey sticks F no, they can't have my login information. I'll send you screen shots.
I forgot to send screen shots. I got calls every day asking me when I'd send screen shots. Then I discovered some stupid setting buried deep in your account settings that allows the rankings to be calculated. Set that and then rankings started sort of working. Finally stopped answering phone calls from Michigan. They've left me alone now.
Yeah - My Ford Mobile - not a great place to go anymore beyond car controls.