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Yes, I don't know why it seems to be pulling so much, right off the bat in the morning after being plugged in all night and "using the grid to precondition" the car.  It does seem to immediately drop the predicted range sometimes from 79 to 61.  Turning off the climate now does jump the range up more than in summer when the AC was on and I turned it off.

I will say the car is comfortable in the morning with the GO set at 65 even with 38 degrees outside, but the extra draw down on the battery range is noticeable and immediate when unplugged.  From a dead start in the cold parking deck late afternoon it does seem to warm up the cabin more quickly than a gas car.

If I had to drive as far as you may have to some round trips it would concern me! especially with no place at work to plug in during the day.

Even though my General Services Dept said I can't plug in to charge, in the winter I may go out to the parking deck an hour or two before leaving for home and plug in the 110V cable to precondition the car or bring the battery temperature up. 

It seems the battery sure does not like cold temperatures, which is something that was anticipated.
