How to slightly boost on-board charger current draw?

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Well-known member
May 20, 2016
The Valley of the Sun
I've always been a little disappointed in the 29A draw from the FFE (OBD scanner actually shows 28.x amps)

I'm not looking to get 40A or anything, but I'd love to get it up to 30 or 32A. I've reached out to Sefs in hopes there might be some info to share but didn't hear back.

Does anyone have any technical details on the OBC, so I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on hardware in the mere hope it can be modified the way I want? Been all around Google and can't find much outside Sefs homebrew DC fast charging posts.
Assuming it could be done, which I don't think it can, why would you want to go thru all the hassle for just a few more amps of charging?
I suppose it all depends on how much hassle it ends up being.

If I can poke a value into the HW over CAN and get a 10% boost in charging I'll do it. If I have to rip it out and reverse engineer the firmware I wouldn't bother.