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  1. P

    P0A0A - High Voltage System Interlock Circuit 'A' in PCM module

    I was lucky enough to get a new battery installed in my 2017 FFE. The problem was HV Isolation - which I believe was rainwater into the connector(s) or battery. The problem went away as the car dried out over the summer, but six months later the new battery arrived and it was installed anyway...
  2. P

    Part Wanted WTB: FFE lower battery connector "locking lever".

    The handle is still available as of 1 January 2025, for $47.02 + tax in Canada. I also had good luck fixing the handle with super glue and then reinforcing with JB Weld. In doing a bunch of work to solve an P0A0A:00 fault, I wrote up about these connectors in more detail. These are the last...
  3. P

    Disconnecting Lower Battery Pack HV Connector

    I tried to disconnect that connector on the left side and only succeeded in breaking it. Darn. That being said, the one on the front of the lower battery unplugged really easily - just the way you said - pull back the blue tab, and then lift the handle, pull off. On my car after six years...
  4. P

    50 amp outlet

    Hi nuttykev Because I cannot see the detailed electrical specifications about the Duosida charger, I can only guess. However, a common reason you for what your electrician is saying is that the electrical equipment you are trying to plug in is not approved for the breaker size. When I say...
  5. P

    Full charge calculation (West Canada)

    Hi All: I'm sorry to ask a silly question, but I would be so appreciative if someone could explain in gory detail how to access the enhanced trip meter, please? I searched the forum, but I could not find how to see it. I have 2017, if that makes any difference. Cheers!
  6. P

    Questions about acceleration

    Well, that's a coincidence, I have a 2017 as well with about 13000 miles on it and just noticed the same thing. We have a detour in our neighbourhood which takes us over serveral blocks of speedbumps every time we want to go out - so I use L at the start and end of every journey. It always...