Thanks Mountaineer! I'm sure I speak for many of us- we appreciate your sharing your tidbits. This weekend I configured the accessory power screen and am using the lo temp setting with fan speed 1 to keep the windscreen clear. I have yet to use the trip 1 and 2 option but I can tell kW from the MyFord app. You did us all a great service, Thanks!
Still a little, not disappointed, but confused about my dismal range so I did some more noodling...
First, I revisited the numbers I worked out before buying... 2013 sticker says fuel efficiency basis is 320 Wh/mi (actually 32 kWh/100mi) and range is 76 miles "when fully charged". 76mi x 320Wh/mi = 24.3 kWh. This rough analysis has lots of holes bit it does support passage of a BS test to an inexperienced shopper that the battery has in the neighborhood of 23 kWh usable capacity at a reasonable DoD for battery life, which was my assumption when I committed.
But now, thanks to folks here on the forum, we know that the battery accepts only 19.5 kWh and the DoD safety is off the rated capacity of the 23kW battery. That would mean that in order to achieve 78 miles range, our burn rate would need to average out to 250 Wh/mi. That's pretty Zen driving by my reckoning. Only time I've been able to beat that number is around town.
Realistically speaking: Today's driven distance was 58 miles. Add the 8 miles it said I had left and that makes 66 miles to shutdown. My average reported energy mileage was 270 Wh/mi, which is much better than my normal average of 320 Wh/mi. 270 Wh/mi x 66 mi is 17.8 kWh. ~-10% from the 19.5 number. Close enough for this kind of analysis.
So it seems that my terrain and temperature are the issues and my range isn't so dismal once one knows the facts.
BTW, a quick look at and it seems that official range ratings come from a theoretical analysis of the motor, controller and battery. Not from a road test.
Put it all together and The bottom line is I need to get a charger installed at work if I ever want to take a side trip, and I need to invest in a pair of gloves and warm leggings. Summer doesn't come here until mid July.
BTW, I'm setting up the "training" session with the dealer and will try to get to the bottom of this range surprise thing with them. I'll let you know.