FFE bugs and workarounds that new owners should know about

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Mar 10, 2014
Atlanta GA
Hi all -

After 7.5 months with my FFE, on Tuesday I will be trading it in for another car. The FFE is a good car, don't get me wrong, but it was just a stopgap solution for me while I waited for the BMW i3 to mature and come down in price a bit.

I feel like I have all this knowledge about the FFE that I want to pass on to the next owner. My car is going to the dealer as a trade-in, and I won't be able to communicate with the next owner, so here's the next best thing: writing up a post here that I hope new owners will find.

These are the top bugs that I think all new FFE owners should know about. None are showstoppers, especially once you know the workarounds, but they sure do stink up life with the car until you do learn the workarounds!

1. Don't start up the car too fast. Press the brake, wait a second, press the power button. If you press the brake and then immediately press the power button, often the car won't actually start up properly, and the shifter won't come out of park. You can tell if it has started up properly if you see the green car symbol on the display in front of the steering wheel. If you don't see that, press the power button again.

2. Radio won't come on. This one tortured me for months until I found the workaround. The speakers would be muted (dash display would actually say "audio off") and no amount of power button or volume presses would bring it to life. You'd have to change radio stations and change back, but that's a pain, especially if you weren't listening to the radio before. The workaround is to start a voice command (right paddle on steering wheel) and then say "cancel". Voila, radio on!

3. Use the voice control! It's actually very useful, particularly since using a touchscreen in a moving car is so difficult. Start voice command mode (right paddle on steering wheel) and then say out loud "what can I say", and it'll show you on screen. You don't have to learn everything, just the things you do every day. My favorite voice commands (besides, ahem, "cancel" per above) are "Line In" and "FM", since I am usually toggling between the radio and my mp3 player on the audio input.

4. Be patient with the value charging override. When you power off the car, for about a minute the right dash display (in front of steering wheel) will show the charging mode. This is where you can OVERRIDE the value charging, so for example you'd want to charge immediately when plugging into a public station that's away from home. Problem is, it doesn't like you to move too fast. I've done the override, only to watch the setting change back after a couple of seconds. So, when doing a value charge override, WAIT about 10 seconds after commanding it, just to see if it flips back.

5. Use the climate prestart feature of the keyfob! This is a killer feature that not all EVs have, and I absolutely love it. Using the keyfob to do this is far more convenient than using the smartphone app.

6. Remote access via web / smartphone stops working. This happened to me a couple times. One solution is to reboot the "telematics" module via the fuse panel. In the left corner of the trunk (not in the footwell!) is a fuse panel; fue #1 is tan and feeds power to the telematics module. Pull that and plug it back in. The other solution is to go to the MFM website, delete your car, and re-add it.

7. Stop Safely Now -- this bug is pretty much gone now, as Ford issued a recall on it in 2013. But if you ever get a FFE, make sure the dealer has performed the fix on it. I believe it involves cleaning and tightening a grounding strap under the car, and installing some updated software.

It would help if you point new FFE owners to this post. If there's a FAQ somewhere, link to this post from it.

Yes good luck with the i3. You'll have to come back here and post a "review" and what you find better/worse about it compared to the FFE.

Did you get the REx?

Interesting: I don't think I've ever had your #2 point happen. The radio has always worked the way I would expect it to (e.g. stays on whatever it was on when I turned the car off). I don't think that is a specific FFE issue though as it is more related to MFT general operation (and I know people have had issues with that!).
I find it interesting that every Focus driver I've spoken to or exchanged comments with loves the Sync system. I myself love it too. But for some reason, Consumer Report HATES it. Whenever they review a Ford or Lincoln automobile, they always get a dig in, referencing the "overly complicated" Sync system. Have they ever actually TALKED to a driver who uses it? I was trained on it and using it the first day I had my FEV. I've not used all the commands, but as the first poster noted, you don't need to. Just learn those commands you need the most. I love being able to keep my hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
I think Consumer Reports just doesn't prefer it. They are likely used to something else which makes it less intuitive. I don't like iPhone because I'm used to Android, but that is my own preference...so I agree, their assessment is mis-leading.

However, from personal experience, I did find the voice commands a bit of a pain. I can't number the times where I tried to use voice commands to navigate somewhere and ended up feeling like I lost an argument. Now I am somewhat accustomed to it and can make phone calls reliably and find addresses as well using the navigation. I haven't embraced changing radio stations yet. I can use the steering wheel controls to change radio stations within a set, say FM1; but I haven't mastered changing the source...like FM2 or CD, etc.

I wish they had made the final navigation question a voice command..."Will you be charging at this location?". I'd love to do something other than having to hit the yes or no on the touch screen. Any comments?
davideos said:
I wish they had made the final navigation question a voice command..."Will you be charging at this location?". I'd love to do something other than having to hit the yes or no on the touch screen. Any comments?

Totally agree! I haven't used the voice commands much as I am in my 3rd week of ownership. Most of the time my wife takes the car. But today I had a chance to use voice command and I kept on saying Yes to the last question about 'Will you be charging...'. The navigation won't respond. I finally figured out that I have to touch the screen to reply....
I've also noticed that, if you try to initiate navigation (by selecting a previous destination, for example) using the "Navigation" menu on the right-hand dash display, but the MFT screen is not also showing the Navigation screen, the selected destination is ignored and navigation does not begin. Simply nothing happens, with no explanation.

I surmise that this behavior is because the navi wants to ask "Will you charge at this location?", but, since the Navigation screen is not the "current" screen, the message cannot appear, and so the system gives up. This seems pretty obvious to me because, if you initiate navigation from the dash display while the MFT screen is showing the Navigation screen, then the charging prompt will appear and, once you respond to it, navigation begins.

A pretty silly bug. :roll:

(And I also agree that the charging prompt should be something you can voice control and, while their we're at it, also be displayed and answered from the right-hand dash display if that's where the navigation request was initiated from.)
ChrisC said:
After 7.5 months with my FFE, on Tuesday I will be trading it in for another car. The FFE is a good car, don't get me wrong, but it was just a stopgap solution for me while I waited for the BMW i3 to mature and come down in price a bit.
Hopefully you'll be happy with the decision. Having both in our driveway I can say unconditionally that in no way is the BMW 3x the car that the FFE is, yet that is how much more I am paying for it. Don't get me wrong, I like the car and it is definitely much more of a conversation starter than the FFE, but it is very hard to justify the price difference. Perhaps once there are more SAE Combo DCQCs in the Northeast where I can use the i3 on long trips I'll begin to feel differently about the value gap. At the moment, however, there is a part of me that wishes I had gotten a second FFE and pocked the extra $225/month.

*Edit* Oops, typo. The difference is $425/month, not the $225 that I typed above.
Did several test drives of the BMW i3 before my FFE purchase.

Did not like the following on the i3:

--Steering/ride is nowhere as smooth as the FFE
-- 4 seats only vs 5 on the FFE ( why did BMW decide to go with 4 seats on a bigger vehicle is beyond me)
--Price difference is not justified compared to the EV range. Both rate nearly the same on EV range, but the i3 is price a lot higher.

2014 Ice Storm FFE and Lovin It!

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