I'd agree with everyone else, call an electrician. However, if you are looking to see what you'd expect that electrician to tell you before he comes, here is a list of what I would do...
1) Find where the electricity comes into the garage. Look for conduit coming out of the ground next to the garage somewhere along its perimeter. If you don't see it, and your garage isn't drywalled, look between the vertical studs or trace your the conduit/romex/whatever to an origination point. If you wee 1" conduit, you are probably good and you might be able to run a new line. If it is smaller, then you are likely needing to run another conduit.
2) How far from the meter will your EVSE be located? I think my run was 50' and I needed 8 gauge wire. That was for a 6.6KW EVSE. Anything more than that or longer distances will require larger diameter wire...and hence, more cost. I ran my in 3/4" conduit. That was 3 x 8 gauge wires. Larger wires or additional wires may need larger conduit. There are rules that will tell you what is acceptable in the Electrical code for your city...which is pretty standard so you can look online.
Those 2 will be the most significant portion of the expense of the EVSE aside from the EVSE itself. Other electrical items are needed, but would pale in comparison to the other costs.
For my 50' run, it took me half a day and about $250 worth of wire, conduit, circuit breaker, socket, and other supplies.