I still have the FFE

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jloucks said:
Update: Car still in the shop. Weeks have turned into months. Ford is having a tough time figuring out the problem. They have replace the motor. No fix. They also did something with the 'transmission' (or the electric equivalent). Now they are rebuilding the battery. Unfortunately 'rebuilding' does not sound at all like 'replacing' so my hopes of the longer range battery are dashed. Ford is making good on the long term powertrain warranty. Zero out of pocket expenses and free rental car(s).

So, any updates on this. Im at the 3 month mark now and theyre still dragging their ***** on replacing my motor, even though they have diagnosed it as the problem. Whats your cars status?
Got a call today from Ford. The FFE is ready. And I got the bigger battery! Yay!! 115+ mile range!!

Haven't picked it up yet, so not sure if it works lol, but time will tell. I'll post updates, esp if anything goes wrong.

I will say that Ford took really good care of us. Long wait, yes, but nice rental cars the whole time. Everything covered. I can't wait to see what it would have cost out of warranty. Ford spent more than the car was worth fixing it. Which is really weird. Must have been an R&D deal.
Great news. Congrats on the new battery. Hopefully I wont be too far behind you. They are suspecting my battery as bad now. Waiting to get approval from ford to replace it. Definitely let us know how the new battery works out.
So, the car has been back for over 100 miles now, and has been running flawlessly. Turns out, the battery (or part of it) blew out and melted down. I am surprised the whole car didn't go up. Good engineering as far as containment goes.

Ford really did do some blind stabbing at the car before they got to the problem. Replaced the motor completely, before moving on to the battery. Seems like a huge waste of time and money. Unless the motor somehow blew out the battery? That, they never told me. The error codes obviously were nebulous, to have a blown battery and not say as much.

Oh, yea, and the final work ticket was for $34,347.94. A record for me. Thank you Ford for picking up that giant tab. I hope you gained some useful insight into the workings of an higher mileage car.

So, to recap, car turned 60,000. Battery blew. Now I am way better off than when I started. Almost have a mini-tesla on my hands. The new range is freakin awesome!

All you early adopters like me, if your battery goes, it is a GOOD thing!
Glad to hear Ford took care of you. :shock: That's one hell of a bill!!! Maybe for their next EV Ford will do a better job with their diagnostics. It shouldn't be that hard to diagnose a bad battery.
Fixes for Stop Safely Now.

I had Ford Focus Electric 2014. Started experience Stop Safely Now error in 2017. I got it fixed by
1) Disconnecting high voltage cable.
2) Clean it good (remove old grease).
3) Apply new Motorcraft Electrical grease to the large high voltage positive and negative terminal.
4) Reconnect back.

Never had the same error for 18 months! The key is to find a shop is willing to do the above simple procedures for you. Most shop will do so called "diagnostic" cost $100 and tell you all those errors that requires $10K to replace the whole battery pack.

By the way, Stop Safely Now actually does not do anything, at least to my car. You can keep driving. But as soon as you slowed to near stop, it will stop and won't start until a few hrs later.