breeves002 said:
During the week my car sits at about 50-60% SOC most of the time. I drive to work, then plug into L2 and it charges to full. It may sit at 100% indicated SOC for hours then but I need it to run the cooling all day. I drive home then and let the car sit overnight. It sits in the shade and its usually cool enough that I don't worry about the battery getting too hot. On the weekends my car will sit about 50-60% SOC as well because I don't drive it generally. If I'm planning on driving it more then a few miles, I'll plug it in overnight generally. I wish MFM had more options on partial charging and just an easy way to start charge time while leaving it plugged in.
In the winter it just stays plugged in. With the range being so bad I can't leave it unplugged. We'll see how the battery lasts... Need to do a run down test soon.
Assuming the L2 charger you are using is not a shared resource with other workers, It sounds Like you would be wise to set up a value charge profile for your charge location at work, and use a go-time to let the car know when you expect to leave. If you set the low-cost window to be the last few hours before you leave, it will sit there, plugged-in, running the TMS, but not charging until a few hours before you leave. This allows your car to sit for hours, plugged in, but not at a high state of charge.
My car is generally plugged in about 22 hours a day, but only charges for a few hours before I leave in the morning and again for an hour or so before I leave work to go home. This way the car can use the fans etc. as it sees fit to manage itself, but I don't subject that battery to extended periods at full charge and high temps.