Park Brake sensor fault

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New member
Apr 2, 2013
My park brake warning light and sound come on and off randomly. My Ford service could not fix it. Anyone have the same problem, but were able to get it fixed?
The parking brake light in most cases is sensed by a switch that is actuated when the parking brake is engaged.
Now if there is a wiring issue could also cause this problem. The cars computer may be able to sense the parking brake is on. It also prevents damage to the car by driving with the parking brake on.
The dealer said that the computer shows no problem and, of course, they could not get it to malfunction while they were driving it. I was hoping that someone else had the same problem and found a solution.
Dealer found the wire going to the park brake sensor was shorting out against the body. I will let you know if it happens again
It would be nice to know if Ford is keeping all the FFE "issues" in a central database, with tech people responsible for these items. After a while, you won't get the answer like, "I can't fix it until I see it fail in front of me".

By the way, my FFE is the best car I have ever owned :) .