Value charging busted since 3.5 upgrade

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Apr 16, 2013
So I got the 3.5 upgrade last week and now the weekend charging is busted. I had to re-enter everything, which is fine. But somehow the car refuses to charge by itself when it is in a "low price" period.


My value charge interval for the weekend is between 0:00 and 17:00 (12am to 5pm). Back in the days, I would get back from lunch, plug it in at 1pm, and it would start charging. Not so much anymore: now it insists on waiting until midnight.

I have tried to enter different charging intervals, for no avail. It seems that the only way to trigger value charge is to be on the charger when the interval starts, not plugging it within the interval. This forces me to switch to "charge now" which in turn will lead to accidental "charging now" at peak rate... Anyone have similar experiences?
My car came with 3.5 on it and it has always used the weekly times on the weekend. Not sure what the deal is but whenever I plug it in on Sat/Sun it always wants to wait to charge (my low cost time is set to 11pm and it always waits until 11pm to charge--for every day of the week).

The times reported by the car are also very unreliable. I try to switch to the charge screen (where you set go times, etc. on My Ford Touch) as I approach home. You can watch it switch to the "Home" profile as you get closer. Whenever it does this about 25% of the time it will correctly display the 11pm start time and say "waiting to charge". The other 75% of the time it will say "waiting to charge" with the current time and the end time is midnight. Even though the display is incorrect it will still wait until 11pm to start charging (If I log in or use the mobile app and refresh the status of the car the values don't change until 11pm, and it will say "waiting to charge" until 11pm).

I have also received about 3 charge faults I think that are due to the value charging. From the looks of it the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing! LOL (Like more than one module on the car are involved with charging and somehow they lose communication.) My suspicion of this is that each time I got a charge fault the display said "Waiting to charge" but it was charging (refreshing the app showed the numbers increasing) until I got the fault: Like one module said "Hey I have to charge!" and the other module said "ohh no you don't!" and cut power... LOL
After the upgrade, I am even having trouble with the Charge Now option. I checked it once after the 3.5 upgrade and found it was 'waiting to charge' even though I had the Charge Now option set. I went to the car and unplugged and replugged it a couple of times, checked the setting with mobile app and confirmed it was now charging. So thought it was a one time glitch.

Well yesterday I plugged it in mid-day with Charge Now option, checked it this AM while I was getting ready and couldn't connect with the car over the mobile app. Went to the car, saw the charging ring was not lit and assumed it was fully charged. Wrong. It only had 60 miles on the batteries. I need a full charge, especially until I get my level 2 charger installed.

Any suggestions?
bear79 said:
After the upgrade, I am even having trouble with the Charge Now option. I checked it once after the 3.5 upgrade and found it was 'waiting to charge' even though I had the Charge Now option set. I went to the car and unplugged and replugged it a couple of times, checked the setting with mobile app and confirmed it was now charging. So thought it was a one time glitch.

Well yesterday I plugged it in mid-day with Charge Now option, checked it this AM while I was getting ready and couldn't connect with the car over the mobile app. Went to the car, saw the charging ring was not lit and assumed it was fully charged. Wrong. It only had 60 miles on the batteries. I need a full charge, especially until I get my level 2 charger installed.

Any suggestions?
When you checked/set the "Charge Now" option did you do it through the car, or the phone/website?