Weird charging behavior

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
I have been a FFE owner for almost a month and am really enjoying it. I live in San Antonio and had to purchase my car from Austin as there are currently no dealers in San Antonio that carry the FFE. I had a GE Wattstation installed and have had no problems getting 700+ miles on the vehicle in 22 days. Yesterday I at work I charged my FFE of the Level 2 Schneider chargers they have in the garage. After work I drove around and ran several errands, and when I got home I turned the car off and plugged into my GE Wattsstation at home. That is where it gets weird. Even though I had turned the car off and everything was off, when I plugged in the charger plug I almost immediately heard a fan come on running very fast, so did the LED front lights, mirror puddle lights and rear parking lights. Just like when you do a remote start. I tried unlocking, and re-locking the car and that had no effect. I then unplugged, and re-plugged the car in, and it did the same thing again. I tried to check on the Myfordmobile app to make sure that the remote start was not active, and despite restarting the application several times it faulted out and was unable to establish a connection to the car. I then decided despite it being weird the car was probably just trying to cool down. I went inside for about twenty minutes and when I came back into the garage the car was the same, the lights and fan were still going and I smelled a "bad" electrical smell. Alarmed I unplugged the car and fan, lights everything went immediately off. I then left the car unplugged for several hours, when I replugged it in, it functioned and acted normally.

As I said I don't have any local Ford dealers that carry the FFE, I tried to email Ford this morning and their email system is currently down. They are directing everyone to twitter. I am about to go out of town on a trip for several days, and will just not leave the car unplugged. If anyone has experienced anything similar or has any insights I would greatly appreciate
Whoa... bad electrical smell?! :shock: I wouldn't do anything with the car until you can talk to Ford. Hopefully, this type of thing would be a priority case for them.

Also, I would definitely not leave the car plugged in during your trip! It is not like you have to leave it plugged in -- a normal FFE would be fine left unplugged for many days, and yours should be too. Though, even left unplugged, the strange electrical behavior is worrisome... especially if you'll be away from home .

I hope you can get some advice from Ford before leaving on your trip, for your own peace of mind. Perhaps your local Ford dealer will be kind enough to help you get in touch with some sort of regional office, or even Ford headquarters. I would hope that Ford would react quickly to hearing that any Ford electrified vehicle has made a "burning smell".

Let us know what happens. Good luck.

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