2012 FFE BECM P0A0A -bat_pow_off_sta: fault - battery power off status

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Sep 25, 2024
I received the Stop Safely Now when trying to start my 2012 Ford Focus Electric.
When I try to charge the car the SYNC power screen says "Fault - Inside Car"
I read the DTC Codes and got BECM P0A0A
Reading through all of the checks the only fault I got was -bat_pow_off_sta: fault - battery power off status
What does that fault mean? What would/could cause that fault?
Okay. It will sound funny but after 2 weeks of reading forum threads and messing with everything I could think of, I found the service disconnect behind the back seat was plugged in but not locked on. The cam that locks it on has two levels to open up fully. It was only half open so it would plug in but did not lock when closed.

That plug solved the issue, however a couple of days later after (3) short trips 2 miles or less each, she got the SSN again. We were able to clear the codes and drive it home again.

Almost the same scenario the next day (yesterday). Both seem to be late afternoon in 90° weather. Could outside temperature be at a problem? It's a different DTC code.

Code: P0AA6 - Hybrid/EV Battery Pack 'A' Voltage System Isolation Fault
You may have a coolant leak inside the battery pack (usually the upper battery, the one behind the rear seats). Jack the Focus up and pull the drain plugs on the bottom of this pack and see if any coolant comes out.
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Seems unlikely to be temperature related, but voltage system isolation does sound like it could relate to a coolant leak in the battery. Others may need to chime in on that.