Interesting, but above my head. There's only one way to really be sure though - plug it in to 240v 
I concur on the date format, though the 133rd day of 2017 is a Saturday which is a little weird.
In googling around a bit, it seems the last character of the part number is the only one that changes, I've also come across FM58-10B706-AG on eBay.
I'm going to speculate that that last character increments every year. In fact, it almost looks like the year code on the 10th digit of the VIN. But in both of our examples the part number would be one year ahead of the car's year: F = 2015, J = 2018.
I'm not going to pull mine apart but I am curious if there really is a difference. Again my original thought was that they sell this thing in Europe, and it seems highly unlikely the EVSE itself would be any different if they could make one globally and slap a different plug on the end as appropriate.
I concur on the date format, though the 133rd day of 2017 is a Saturday which is a little weird.
In googling around a bit, it seems the last character of the part number is the only one that changes, I've also come across FM58-10B706-AG on eBay.
I'm going to speculate that that last character increments every year. In fact, it almost looks like the year code on the 10th digit of the VIN. But in both of our examples the part number would be one year ahead of the car's year: F = 2015, J = 2018.
I'm not going to pull mine apart but I am curious if there really is a difference. Again my original thought was that they sell this thing in Europe, and it seems highly unlikely the EVSE itself would be any different if they could make one globally and slap a different plug on the end as appropriate.