calvinhc said:What does "Use IDS level 128 or higher is now required to address various programming issues encountered" mean?
I had the modem upgrade done in March 2022 and ever since then I have not been able to use Value Charging or Go Times, plus the estimated "time to full charge" has been a bogus value (like 0.1 hours regardless of actual SOC). Ford Canada has been useless in the matter.
I'm thinking I should have my dealership "use IDS level 128 or higher" in an attempt to fix this problem, but I would like to know what this means a little better.
IDS is Ford's diagnostics and programming tool. Basically their in-house Forscan from what I know. Level 128 or higher is probably referring to the software version of the IDS.
Also funny you should mention not being able to use Value charging or Go Times. Value Charging and Go Times are fully functional for me, but changing them from the app is nearly impossible because the app says it failed but the change would still go through, but not update on the app. So any changes I make to value charging and go times are usually through the car. My time to full charge is also bogus most of the time, atleast in the car, Fordpass gives a correct estimate time for a full charge. I also still have the issue where manually refreshing in the app causes the app to think I remote started the car and gives me the time until car shuts off thing.
Will have to get into contact with Ford Support to see if they can send my car an OTA update, and if not then I'll contact my local dealer to get a service appt to check the modem for software updates.