FFE HID upgrade?

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Nov 30, 2020
Hello All,

I'm a new FFE owner however, I've been messing around with aftermarket HID lighting systems with all of my previous cars for years.
I did some research on the FFE HID system, its apparently an OSRAM D8S system @ 25W. The light output is ok but I believe can be much better with 35W systems and other bulb selections. D3S is the other common spec, the only real difference is that D3S operates at 35W and you can find a plethora of bulb sections for that. The only mechanical difference between D8S and D3S is a notch location on the bulb. I found someone who did this conversion. on an ICE focus


Has anyone successfully performed this? Also does anyone think going to 35W system will affect the range on the FFE significantly?
Hmm, if the standard lights are 25 watts each, and the HIDs are 35 watts each, the difference being 10 watts, times two. Then no, I would not think that 20 watt hours would affect range much at all. Yes, there will be a reduction, but if you are trading off safer night driving, then I would think the one-mile-at-the-most range reduction would be worth it.

With a 33 kilowatt battery, I do not think you would notice it.
Well..... I was able to perform the upgrade, let me tell you that everyone needs to do this. The LUX output was almost doubled! It is the best upgrade you can do!

Items purchased



1. Aftermarket LEDs are no match for HID light output
2. The FFE main bulbs cannot be changed to LED, the housing, power connection harness only accepts HID bulbs and its ballast, that are generally D1S/D3S and D8S
3. You can upgrade the high beam bulbs which are H11 bulbs to LED, which I also did,
1. Aftermarket LEDs are no match for HID light output :lol: Respectfully disagree. Although it would be interesting to see a W/lumen comparison. Personally I see no need for higher wattage/brighter bulbs for low beams unless you want to be one of those self centered ******** that drives around blinding all other drivers without giving it a second thought. Coming from a car with H4 halogen bulbs, the OE HIDs on my '14 FFE are bright AF.
2. The FFE main bulbs cannot be changed to LED, the housing, power connection harness only accepts HID bulbs and its ballast, that are generally D1S/D3S and D8S Apparently you are unaware that HID to LED kits like this exist
3. You can upgrade the high beam bulbs which are H11 bulbs to LED, which I also did, I had thought about that but honestly with a 60 mile range, I rarely get far enough out of the city to use high beams.
I had thought about putting a LED bulb in that tiny spot next to the high beams with the dummy bulb in it but I don't see the point as it wouldn't likely enhance the illumination in front of my car and if bright enough I could be that ******* blinding other drivers. Also I could have other drivers flashing me thinking they were my high beams due to their proximity to the actual high beams.
Unfortunately you have no idea what you are talking about and its clear you have not performed lighting mods. If you bothered to look at what I actually did you will see I got OE OSRAM 35w ballasts. The D3S ballasts are mechanically and electrically compatible with the FFE headlamp assembly The light pattern is perfect and will not blind anyone while I'm getting brighter light output that projects further down the road. The color temperature is also much whiter than the original and look much much better. I've been messing around with aftermarket LED and HID systems for well over 7 years now. I have yet to find one aftermarket LED system to even come close to HID performance especially for projector headlamps. Furthermore there is no easy way to actually get the LED system to work. D8S and D3S and other D family HID systems have a ballast and a specific bulb connection.

Any HID is better than crappy 100 year old halogen technology bulbs but the stock 25W HID set up on the FFE is not a great deal better than halogen.
Also, you are indeed an "*******" if you high beam oncoming traffic, regardless of halogen/HID/LED bulbs. High beams are for dark roads and areas that do not have oncoming traffic.


triangles said:
1. Aftermarket LEDs are no match for HID light output :lol: Respectfully disagree. Although it would be interesting to see a W/lumen comparison. Personally I see no need for higher wattage/brighter bulbs for low beams unless you want to be one of those self centered ******** that drives around blinding all other drivers without giving it a second thought. Coming from a car with H4 halogen bulbs, the OE HIDs on my '14 FFE are bright AF.
2. The FFE main bulbs cannot be changed to LED, the housing, power connection harness only accepts HID bulbs and its ballast, that are generally D1S/D3S and D8S Apparently you are unaware that HID to LED kits like this exist
3. You can upgrade the high beam bulbs which are H11 bulbs to LED, which I also did, I had thought about that but honestly with a 60 mile range, I rarely get far enough out of the city to use high beams.
I had thought about putting a LED bulb in that tiny spot next to the high beams with the dummy bulb in it but I don't see the point as it wouldn't likely enhance the illumination in front of my car and if bright enough I could be that ******* blinding other drivers. Also I could have other drivers flashing me thinking they were my high beams due to their proximity to the actual high beams.
I agree with efocusguy that switching from hid to led is a bad idea. It is preferable to use led lights in the home since any bulb, even smart bulbs such as https://www.vont.com/product/vont-bulb-color-smart-light-bulbs-smart-bulbs/ will operate. However, if you wish to utilize led lights in your automobile, it will not work well. In general, you can get some Sylvania lights because they are reasonably priced and are pretty good. I mean, it's far better to buy something you know will work out than to waste time experimenting with something that doesn't.
efocusguy said:
Also, you are indeed an "*******" if you high beam oncoming traffic, regardless of halogen/HID/LED bulbs. High beams are for dark roads and areas that do not have oncoming traffic.

This is true, but the trouble is, there are those driving around with mis-aligned low beams that are effectively acting as high beams - some may be just too oblivious (despite having every reflective surface for a quarter mile ahead of them lighting up like a Christmas tree) and some may be ******** because they mis-aligned them on purpose to light up the road better.

Furthermore, there are ******** who think that the high beams should ONLY be turned off when there is oncoming traffic, and keep them on when they are behind someone because there is no one oncoming. I don't know the specifics about other jurisdictions, but here in Ontario Canada, the Highway Traffic Act clearly states that low beams must be used when within 60 metres (about 200 feet) of a vehicle they are following or within 150 metres (about 500 feet) of an oncoming vehicle.
I have done mine, converted from H7 halogens to full led. Light is awesome and I dont blind anyone. But I had to modify my headlights to do this.

I bought lense assembly from aliexpress.



1. Aftermarket LEDs are no match for HID light output
2. The FFE main bulbs cannot be changed to LED, the housing, power connection harness only accepts HID bulbs and its ballast, that are generally D1S/D3S and D8S
3. You can upgrade the high beam bulbs which are H11 bulbs to LED, which I also did,

it looks like there are now more DS8s on the market, without the need for a DS3 retrofit.
In your opinion, would it be better to stick with a DS8 (if available) 35W than to change ballasts and install DS3s?

Examples :
My stock headlights seem plenty effective at lighting the road. When I first got it I had loads of oncoming traffic flash their highbeams at me until I pulsed the retina searing lever to confirm I was on lowbeams.

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