I have a 2017 FFE. Last night, as (almost) always, I plugged in the car to charge. Value charge kicked in at the specified time and car was charged in the morning.
I didn't drive it today, just kept it plugged in, past the Go Time. This evening I'm working in the garage and keep hearing the EVSE click on and off, with corresponding clunks from the car.
I wander over during one of these cycles and the car is drawing 0.23 kW on the display of the charger (0.9 amps, 245 volts). Cycle seems to repeat fairly quickly, maybe 2 minutes on and 3-5 minutes off.
Any ideas what is happening? I don't know if this is good, bad, or otherwise. Also don't know if it just started happening, or if it's been happening and I just noticed it.
Ambient temp is maybe 50°F in the garage.
I didn't drive it today, just kept it plugged in, past the Go Time. This evening I'm working in the garage and keep hearing the EVSE click on and off, with corresponding clunks from the car.
I wander over during one of these cycles and the car is drawing 0.23 kW on the display of the charger (0.9 amps, 245 volts). Cycle seems to repeat fairly quickly, maybe 2 minutes on and 3-5 minutes off.
Any ideas what is happening? I don't know if this is good, bad, or otherwise. Also don't know if it just started happening, or if it's been happening and I just noticed it.
Ambient temp is maybe 50°F in the garage.