New modem, dead 12V battery, GPS not working.

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Nov 11, 2016
I had the 2G/3G modem replacement done a little over a week ago. Four days later the 12V battery was completely dead. Everything work fine Saturday night, then it was completely unresponsive on Monday morning. 24 hours on my old motorcycle trickle charger didn't help, so I called Ford roadside assistance for a tow to the dealer. Their jump pack was able to get enough juice into the car to allow it to shift from park to neutral so the car could be pulled out of my garage.

Once at the dealer, they tell me they checked the battery and it was completely dead, but after a charge passed all of their stress tests. They kept it for a couple of days and could not find any drains on the system or faults with the car's charging operation. I picked it up last night and discovered that the GPS system is no longer functioning, which means the compass and the calendar(?) don't work either. I tried a sync system reset and it did nothing. And now today I find that none of the one-touch up and down windows do what they're supposed to.

Could I possibly correct these issues by pulling and replacing specific fuses? Am I doomed to schlep the car back to the dealer once again?
Pulling and reinstalling fuse 67 seems to have cured the GPS/compass/calendar issues. Repeatedly running the windows up and down seems to have cured the one-touch issues. Now I guess I'll just wait and see if the 12V battery can stay charged for any length of time. Fun!
StoBro2 said:
Repeatedly running the windows up and down seems to have cured the one-touch issues.
You probably ended up holding the switch for more than 3 seconds, which is what does it.


The one-touch feature can be enabled or disabled with the following procedure:

1) Start with the window fully up.
2) Press and continuously hold the switch down while the window goes down.
3) At the bottom, continue holding the switch down for at least 3 more seconds.
4) Then immediately pull and continuously hold the switch up while the window goes back up.
5) At the top, continue holding the switch up for at least 3 more seconds.

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