New My Ford Touch is out version 3.6.2

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WattsUp said:
hcsharp said:
Tried doing this update myself today. Complete fail. Everything was going fine until the car shut itself off before it was done with the install. Jeez. Now it won't even turn on or drive.
Did your 12V battery die?
It might have. I let it sit for 10 min which might have allowed the 12v to recover a little. Then unplugged and plugged it back in before I tried again and it re-started the update. It appears to drive now.
hcsharp said:
WattsUp said:
hcsharp said:
Tried doing this update myself today. Complete fail. Everything was going fine until the car shut itself off before it was done with the install. Jeez. Now it won't even turn on or drive.
Did your 12V battery die?
It might have. I let it sit for 10 min which might have allowed the 12v to recover a little. Then unplugged and plugged it back in before I tried again and it re-started the update. It appears to drive now.
The car does not need the MFT software or central console to drive... it's basically a glorified radio. You can remove the fuse for the MFT, and completely power down the central console, and the car will still drive no problem.

So, when you said your car wouldn't turn on or drive, that would much more likely be a symptom of the 12V battery dropping below a level at which the car's support electronics can operate.

If turning the car on for only a little while (e.g., while you ran an update) and this caused the 12V battery to drop too low, this probably indicates that the 12V level of charge is borderline, or perhaps the battery has some other issue.
WattsUp said:
The car does not need the MFT software or central console to drive... it's basically a glorified radio. You can remove the fuse for the MFT, and completely power down the central console, and the car will still drive no problem.

So, when you said your car wouldn't turn on or drive, that would much more likely be a symptom of the 12V battery dropping below a level at which the car's support electronics can operate.

If turning the car on for only a little while (e.g., while you ran an update) and this caused the 12V battery to drop too low, this probably indicates that the 12V level of charge is borderline, or perhaps the battery has some other issue.

OK, thanks for the info and clarification. It was cold out (35 deg F) and I had the accessories on for a little while without running the car before doing the update. So it's likely the 12v was too low. My wife drove 22 miles to work this AM without any problems so I hope it's OK now.
WattsUp said:
If turning the car on for only a little while (e.g., while you ran an update) and this caused the 12V battery to drop too low, this probably indicates that the 12V level of charge is borderline, or perhaps the battery has some other issue.
I would point out that the reason Ford has you turn the car on is to avoid the 12V dropping. If I recall correctly, the only time the 12V is charged is when the FFE is "running." I think that is why Ford has the car running for the update; to avoid depletion of the 12V battery.
I lost the Pandora cover art (USB connection) after upgrade to this version. Is there anyone out with an iphone 5 running Pandora over the USB connection who could confirm this bug?
The regular cover art works over the media player on the iphone. Only Pandora got screwed up.