Problem Moving from a Stop

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Well-known member
May 9, 2016

We have a FFE 2016 with about 3,200 miles on it. I have had a problem happen twice (once yesterday and once about a month ago) where after I reverse the car out of a parking spot, and put it into Drive, the car does not move. Moved it to Park, and then to Drive, no difference. Tried turning the car off and on, and then Drive does not work. After trying for about 2 minutes, it starts working. Weather has been warm (Southern California). Don’t see any other issues at all. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance.


Was the green ready-to-drive light lit?

Sometimes you can fool yourself into thinking the car is working if you can just "roll" out of a spot due a slight incline (with the ready-to-drive light not actually on).

The ready-to-drive light might not come on if you shift out of park too quickly after turning the car on. This is a relatively common problem for FFE owners, especially new.

After you turn on the car, always verify that the green ready-to-drive light is lit before doing anything else. Over time, you learn to make it a habit to give the car a second or two after pressing the power button. Then, the "not ready-to-drive" issue doesn't really happen anymore. :)
WattsUp said:
Was the green ready-to-drive light lit?

Sometimes you can fool yourself into thinking the car is working if you can just "roll" out of a spot due a slight incline (with the ready-to-drive light not actually on).

The ready-to-drive light might not come on if you shift out of park too quickly after turning the car on. This is a relatively common problem for FFE owners, especially new.

After you turn on the car, always verify that the green ready-to-drive light is lit before doing anything else. Over time, you learn to make it a habit to give the car a second or two after pressing the power button. Then, the "not ready-to-drive" issue doesn't really happen anymore. :)

Hi WattsUp!

Thank you for the response. The Ready-to-Drive was on. First thing I checked as I have been "tricked" in the past. Even though we have only 3,200 miles on it, we have had the car for 7 months. Most of our runs are close to 1 - 2 miles. All our longer runs are in our Honda Odyssey.


I can attest to this behavior. I've encountered it twice in my three years.
Both times I just turned it back off and waited a couple minutes. Was fine after that.
I have seen it a couple of times on my 2016 too...just a matter of waiting it out or turning off/on a few times

I think I saw that on my 2014 as well

My concern would be that if one reverses out, and cannot get out of the way of on-coming traffic due to this issue. So, it looks like it is not restricted to a certain model year.


Happened to me few times last year, mine is 2015. Once it was a Panic, I was reversing and everything locked or non responsive, the drive light was on. My car was moving down the drive way and then I turn to see a school bus was coming, shoot I hit the foot break didn't work, quick thinking got me to pull the emergency break then the car stopped. I waited for 5 min then the car started.

Has anyone got a response from the Service Department about this issue? I have to take mine in for the recall, and will ask them to check. But, it would be good to have as much info as possible.


100% of the time for me, with my Focus and C-Max Energi, it has been operator error !
Check the GREEN Ready To Drive light !!

Problem showed up again. Green car was on, and the 2016 FFE would not move forward or backwards. I was in a parking lot that is flat. Tried it a few times, and then after about 5 minutes, the car moved. I did turn off the automatic headlights and radio off after trying a few times. Suggestions?


WattsUp said:
What exactly did you try a few times?

Hi WattsUp!

Tried putting it back into Park, and turning the car off. Started back up, tried moving forward and backwards, no go. Turned it off, and put the parking brake on. Tried this combination a few times. After a little while I turned off the automatic headlights and the radio. I think I tried starting the car and it did not move. Just left the car alone for a couple of minutes, and they tried it again. And it moved as usual. When it was not moving, there was no indication that there was anything wrong. This is the 3rd time this has happened, and it is about a month apart. I can take it to the dealer, but without some indication that what could be wrong, they might say that they could not find a problem.


GHTech said:
Tried putting it back into Park, and turning the car off. Started back up, tried moving forward and backwards, no go. Turned it off, and put the parking brake on. Tried this combination a few times. After a little while I turned off the automatic headlights and the radio.
When you turn the car off you then have to open the driver's door for it to fully reset. If you just turn it off, and then turn it back on you'll still be stuck in whatever state the car was in.

Try the standard procedure:
  • Open door, get in
  • Put foot on the brake pedal
  • While pressing brake pedal press start
  • Buckle seat belt
  • Adjust other stuff (radio, etc.)
  • If you didn't do anything above do a 2 count (one, two)
  • Shift into R or D depending on where you're going
The car does have a specific procedure when it starts up and if you shift out of Park too early you'll be stuck in a weird "ready to go" and "not ready to go" state.
I second jmueller065's advice.

The way to avoid the weird "won't go" behavior is to develop the habit of very deliberately pressing the brake, waiting a beat, then pressing the power button, waiting another beat (and also definitely watching for the green light), and then finally shifting from Park. If you do this, you will almost never have the "won't go" problem.

I would bet that some subtle timing about how you start the car sometimes is the "problem". Your car is likely fine -- but all FFEs are sensitive to this startup timing.
I have had this happen but only when in a hurry.
I make a habit to start the car then put on my seat belt.
Never had it happen then.

Thank you for the suggestions, and that makes a lot of sense for my 3rd occurrence of this issue, as I was parked in a parking spot and was starting the car to move out. and was most likely in a hurry to move. I will follow the recommendations. The problem is that in the 1st and 2nd occurrences I have already moved out of the parking spot (reversed), and when I put it into drive, it would not move. I guess a complete reset (including opening the doors) may have helped, but just that the car was already running.


I once had to start the car with the moble app. Then pushed the start button in car with my foot on brake. Thankfully this was in my driveway.

2013 ffe lease return

It happened again. On Friday, I was parked to pick up my son from school, and a school bus turned up and he wanted to park where I was parked (nothing was indicated that it was a bus parking spot). So, when I tried to move the car, it would not move at all. It took about 5 minutes (not exaggerating) to get the car to move. In the meantime, the bus was stuck on the street, and he was not happy. As it cannot be duplicated (on-demand), I am not sure how to proceed. I did patiently try it, and that does not working. Looks like that only waiting about 5 minutes works.



Just want to add that once this problem occurred while the car was running. I have reversed out of a parking spot, and while the car was still running, put the car into drive. Did not move at all, and took about 5 minutes to start moving.


Had requested the service advisor to check with Ford if they have any suggestions. The Service Manager opened a Tech Line case, and just got the following TSB. I will be taking it in for them to try.



The vehicle intermittently not having the transmission engage after backing out of a spot could be related to the issue discussed TSB 18-2009. This mentions Focus Electric vehicles exhibiting an illuminated green ready to drive indicator in the Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) but the vehicle does not move. The TSB mentions several specific conditions that the concern may occur under which could be helpful in duplicating the concern with this vehicle.

If the TSB does not apply to this vehicle, then there could be an issue with a position sensor or another component internal to the transmission and this should cause a DTC to be stored in the Transmission Control Module. The TCM and PCM should both be individually Self-Tested to retrieve any DTCs that may be stored in them. If there are DTCs retrieved, then perform the appropriate Pin Point Test (PPT).

Here is the TSB:
This bulletin supersedes 16-0147. Reason for update: Incorrect or Incomplete Symptom

Model: Ford 2013-2016 Focus

This article supersedes TSB 16-0147 to update the Issue Statement, Service Procedure, and symptom codes.
Issue: Some 2013-2016 Focus Electric vehicles built on or after 22-Feb-2013 may exhibit an illuminated green ready to drive indicator in the instrument panel cluster (IPC) and the vehicle does not move. The condition may occur when the vehicle is restarted within 20 seconds after being powered off, starting the vehicle within 20 seconds of unplugging or starting the vehicle 15 minutes after being remotely started.

Action: Follow the Service Procedure steps to correct the condition.

Warranty Status: Eligible Under Provisions Of New Vehicle Limited Warranty Coverage Warranty/ESP coverage limits/policies/prior approvals are not altered by a TSB. Warranty/ESP coverage limits are determined by the identified causal part and verified using the OASIS part coverage tool.
Labor Times

Description Operation No. Time
2013-2016 Focus Electric: Retrieve DTCs, Reprogram The Appropriate Modules As Required By The Software Update Includes Time To Clear Codes (Do Not Use With Any Other Labor Operations) 182009A 0.5

Repair/Claim Coding
Causal Part: RECAL
Condition Code: 04

Service Procedure
1. Does the vehicle exhibit an illuminated green ready to drive indicator in the IPC and the vehicle does not move?

(1). Yes – reprogram the powertrain control module (PCM) to the latest calibration using Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) or Ford J2534 Diagnostic Software (FJDS) release 107.01 or higher. Make sure you are connected to the internet when entering module programming to obtain the latest updates. Calibration files may also be obtained at

(2). No – this article does not apply. Refer to the Powertrain Control/Emissions Diagnosis (PC/ED) manual for normal diagnostics.

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