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Well-known member
May 20, 2016
The Valley of the Sun
Just got my renewal notice from the state.

Dear ******* ***** ****,

The vehicle registration for your Focus, Plate CH4D3M0, will expire on 5/15/2022.
Please pay on or before this date to avoid penalty fees.


Fees for a 1 year renewal are:

Registration Fee $8.00
AQF $0.25
Vehicle License Tax $5.00
Personalized Plate $25.00
Postage $0.58
Total $38.83

Fees for a 2 year renewal are:

Registration Fee $8.00
AQF $0.25
Vehicle License Tax $10.00
Personalized Plate $50.00
Postage $0.58
Total $68.83

So, if not for my vanity plate, my one and two year renewal costs would be $13.83 or $18.83
Disappointed 5 year isn't an option this time. Guessing it's too old now. You know, because of it goes that long without an emissions test, it might start running poorly and polluting more /s
California is such that you cannot register anything for less than $80. That is including motorcycles. I believe they have an ev tax as well.

With the price of gas exceeding $6 a gallon here, it is more cost efficient to use the EV. Mind you, when gas was less, the high cost of electricity made operating an ev more expensive, per se. $0.38 per kW? We are getting ripped off here.
Anti_Climax said:
One of my coworkers had power through City of Mesa (tiny municipal utility) and was paying less than $0.06/kWh. Lucky bastard.

Yep. I pay $0.05 between 1 and 5am. Bought a timer for the water heater. And only run the dishwasher between that time.
For him, that wasn't a TOU rate. Like I said, lucky bastard. Knowing the weird stuff that happens between utilities and the fact that it's a tiny city owned utility surrounded by regional companies, I can only imagine they have some stupidly cheap grandfathered pricing deal with one of the much larger utilities. Almost certainly SRP as APS would NEVER sell power that cheap to ANYONE.

They've increased the "Highway Use Fee" for EVs from $88.50 to $109 in Virginia
This reminded me to go on and finish that registration. It didn't have 5 year on the paper, but the online system offers it.

$158.83 for 5 years, but only $33 of that is the car part, the rest is my optional vanity plate...

AZ "CH4D3M0" lives on!
Pele said:

They've increased the "Highway Use Fee" for EVs from $88.50 to $109 in Virginia

Crap.....I renew next month.

They also ding my ICE car for being too fuel efficient......sigh

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