See Manual- Yellow Wrench

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2012
Hi! 2150 miles into FFE driving, hit my first snag.
This morning my wife was going to take the car on an errand. I used my keyfob to remote start the car to warm it up for her, since it's about 30 degrees outside. She disconnected the 120V charger correctly and upon pushing the start button, received a yellow popup message to the left of speedometer saying "See Manual", and a yellow wrench icon was illuminated on the instrument panel. It would have been only like the 3rd time she's taken the car, go figure.
She called me over to see if I could help. I powered down and powered up again, and saw the same message. There was also a "keyfob not in car" message after I ok'd the See Manual message, though I had her key in the cupholder, and car showed a green ready-to-go car icon.
I checked the manual, and read that SEE MANUAL indicates a powertrain issue or high voltage system charge fault, and recommends taking to service if the message continues to display.
Although it seemed like it would drive, I didn't want her stuck in a dicey neighborhood in the cold if anything was really wrong, so she took her car. I powered down and plugged the car in again, though it was at 99%. About 30 minutes later, went out and tried it again, and the message and wrench were gone. I drove the car up and down the alley, but being home alone with the kids I couldn't go for a longer drive. Of course I'm going out of town later today, and leaving the car for several days. Hoping it was just a fault of some sort.

Two potential issues that might have triggered the warning come to mind. First, I remote started with my keyfob, and she tried driving with her keyfob. That would be a dumb reason for the car to act funny, but I could see it happening. I did try to switch keys in hand before the 30 minute wait and still received the wrench/manual message, but maybe once the signal lights it needs a certain time-out before resetting? Second, remote start with the keyfob seems a little glitchy in general, more so than go-time starting. I have accidentally set off the alarm a few times when the car was remote started and I then entered and exited the car. I've also had a "keyfob not in car" message after remote starting a few times in the past, though I was only using one keyfob those times.

Anyway, if anyone else has any insight, I would appreciate a reply. My first thought was that my wife unplugged from the wall instead of the car, but she insists that she did it correctly!
I've been getting that yellow wrench thing occasionally, only when I precondition the car. It freaked me out at first, but grew numb to it after a couple of weeks. Doesn't seem to have a negative effect on anything yet. Sorry I can't be of more help... will report back if it leads to something worse.
Thanks v! That was my wife's instinct, to try to ignore it and see what happens. But since it was the first time and I haven't seen mention of it specifically here, I thought I'd ask. Hopefully it's akin to the way a check engine has always seemed to come on once in awhile on our other cars over the years, only to go away on the next drive.
I notice your post about the heater blower-- any way the wrench light correlated with that?
My guess is that there is no correlation; got my FFE back today, so we shall see. Based on my experience and yours, I suspect that the yellow wrench glitch is triggered by starting things up by some means other than the start button in the car (i.e. key fob, MFM).
It's possible when preconditioning the cabin and using 120 Volt charging (level 1) may cause a charge fault. The possible reason for this is the high current draw from the climate control is greater than the 120 Volt level 1 can provide. The on board charging system sees this and may think there is a problem. Has anyone seen this problem when preconditioning on a level 2 charger? You could also make sure the defroster is switched off. This will help reduce the load on the system when preconditioning.
I've seen the yellow wrench symbol a few times, this week, always after doing a remote-start warm-up (or 2). I was using the top key-fob button (arrow in a circle) to shut off the remote start, before unplugging my level-2 charger and getting into the car to start it normally.

The last time, I tried more patience. After shutting off the remote-start, I listened and waited to hear some kind of click or other sound, from in the car. Then, I waited several more seconds, before unplugging the level-2 charger.

Also, for quite some time, now, I have been pressing down the release button on the charger handle and holding it down until my charging station's yellow, flashing "charging" light went out AND any clicks or other sounds, in the car, were done. Then, and only then, did I pull out the charger handle.

With this more patient routine, I did NOT see any yellow wrench, when I started the car normally.

So, I have not contacted any dealer, and won't do so unless the wrench start appearing, DESPITE my patience.
Arthur said:
I've seen the yellow wrench symbol a few times, this week, always after doing a remote-start warm-up (or 2). I was using the top key-fob button (arrow in a circle) to shut off the remote start, before unplugging my level-2 charger and getting into the car to start it normally.
Question: Why are you turning off remote start? You don't have to.

In this cold weather I frequently use remote start (even with it sitting in the garage plugged in). Most of the time I initiate it twice (If you initiate remote start twice the amount of time the car will stay on doubles to 30 minutes). When entering the car the dash will say "Remote start active"; you just get in and start it normally. There is no need to cancel the remote start in order to start the car. (Since you remote started it the car will stay running even when you unplug it.)

Er not to say that this would influence if the wrench appears or not though...
I have seen the yellow wrench sign multiple times after setting the traction control OFF and having a hard time
getting unstuck on a snowy road.

eventually the sign goes away after restarting the car
fbitz777 said:
I have seen the yellow wrench sign multiple times after setting the traction control OFF and having a hard time
getting unstuck on a snowy road.
Wow, I've turned the traction control off numerous times (either while stopped or at speed) and have never seen a wrench in correspondence with it.

When I did see a few wrenches (which was months, if not a year ago) they always seems to correspond (within a split-second) to hitting the cruise control accel/decel button while at high speed (on the freeway).
WattsUp said:
fbitz777 said:
I have seen the yellow wrench sign multiple times after setting the traction control OFF and having a hard time
getting unstuck on a snowy road.
Wow, I've turned the traction control off numerous times (either while stopped or at speed) and have never seen a wrench in correspondence with it.

When I did see a few wrenches (which was months, if not a year ago) they always seems to correspond (within a split-second) to hitting the cruise control accel/decel button while at high speed (on the freeway).
yes but I was "stuck" pretty bad when I engaged the traction off and the motor was definitely working hard back/forth trying to get me out of the snow.
fbitz777 said:
yes but I was "stuck" pretty bad when I engaged the traction off and the motor was definitely working hard back/forth trying to get me out of the snow.

Last winter I managed to get my FFE stuck in a snow bank. I also had to rock it back and forth to get it out. I didn't turn off the traction control but I did get it out by rocking it back and forth pretty aggressively. I found I could flip it back and forth between R & D rather easily and could maintain a rhythm--much faster than I could with an ICE. (Was even switching between the two while the vehicle was still in motion in the opposite direction. I was pretty sure the car wouldn't be too happy after that, but it was fine.)
jmueller065 said:
(Was even switching between the two while the vehicle was still in motion in the opposite direction. I was pretty sure the car wouldn't be too happy after that, but it was fine.
Nah... I do this all the time when backing out of parking spots in my FFE.

Motor don't care... just electro-magnetic forces battling it out to reverse the direction of spin; nothing mechanical going on.

When driving an ICE now, I have to stop myself from trying to shift from R to D mid-travel. :lol:
WattsUp said:
jmueller065 said:
(Was even switching between the two while the vehicle was still in motion in the opposite direction. I was pretty sure the car wouldn't be too happy after that, but it was fine.
Nah... I do this all the time when backing out of parking spots in my FFE.

Motor don't care... just electro-magnetic forces battling it out to reverse the direction of spin; nothing mechanical going on.

When driving an ICE now, I have to stop myself from trying to shift from R to D mid-travel. :lol:
I've started doing the same thing...
Hey I just got the yellow wrench today.
I had turned off traction control to see how the car handled without it in the snow--its kind of fun! LOL
The next "power cycle" of the car showed the yellow wrench but still let me drive although it was acting kind of sluggish. It took me cycling the car (including opening the door) about 3 times to clear it.

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