Setting "Home" Value Charge Schedule

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2022
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
I'm not sure if this is possible now, but in case someone knows a secret, I'm asking...

After 6.5 years of having my FFE, though two of them without value charging because of the TCU software bug that was finally fixed in March, I only recently discovered my FFE has two value charging schedules: one for at home and one for everywhere else (the "default" schedule).

I noticed this when I changed the only one I can through the dash menu, which is the default one. I changed the weekday start time to midnight instead of 11 pm. When I shut off the car away from home with value charging enabled, it would indicate indicate it would start at midnight, as expected. When at home, it would say 11 pm.

The display shows the existence of a "home" schedule, though it doesn't show what it is. The "edit" button for the home schedule is disabled and the screen says it can be set using the MyFord app, which ceased to work in early 2022 when it was replaced with FordPass.

So, is there a way to edit the "home" value charging schedule? Perhaps it involves going through Forscan?
it’s definitely frustrating that FordPass doesn’t support these settings anymore. I haven’t used Forscan for this specifically, but I’d guess it’s possible since Forscan gives access to many hidden features. Another thought, have you tried contacting Ford Support to see if there’s a workaround? It’s a long shot, but they might have insights or updates you can apply.
I can guarantee support has no info on a workaround. Ford is not putting any more work into support for these cars and their agents barely understand the info they have on hand.

"That feature has been deprecated."
It is so frustrating that several features that existed in the old MyFord app (meaning the vehicle is capable of monitoring and controllin) were simply stripped out of FordPass, especially when FordPass supports similar features for other vehicles (I can only speak about the Lightning, but I've seen enough to be pissed off about it).

Off the top of my mind, here are some FordPass deficiencies that come to mind:
  • Cannot switch between 'charge now' and 'value charge' (was in MyFord)
  • Cannot edit value charge profiles (was in MyFord)
  • Cannot get alerts about charging completed and cabin temperature ready (was in MyFord; is in FordPass for the Lightning with no way to turn it off)
  • When plugged in on value charging, FordPass reports "Waiting to charge at --:--" instead of real value charging start time
  • I kind of miss the MyFord status of "Out and about" which is now "Vehicle is on" under FordPass (and we Canadians DON'T pronounce it 'oot and a boot' - that's Scottish!)
I will admit that FordPass now permits the extension of the climate start on the FFE, which I've occasionally had to use. Originally, it had a button to add zero minutes! That was changed to an "extend" button, but I found it initially didn't extend the time. Now it does.

FordPass did remove the refresh feature, where you pull down the screen to get updated data, for all vehicles. Now, you have to send a command (lock, unlock, start climate) to get an information refresh. I would use this to get an update on SOC while charging or check the location when the vehicle is on the road.