What % of people on here do we guess have had shut down prob

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New member
Nov 15, 2013
Just signed a 3 year lease and knew a little about the shut down errors but just found the the topic area http://www.myfocuselectric.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=15 its a bit scary and concerns me, as it should. Have been excited about going to get the car this Sunday but now want to have the recall work done before I pick the car up. The link to the web page to check your vin is here :shock:

wondering how many people have had no issues???
It is hard to say how many unless Ford released the data. I think any car had the potential to do it regardless whether it has or not. My car was fine until last month. Fortuneately, the fix from Ford came out a week later. I don't want to Jinx anything, so knock on wood, but I haven't heard of anyone having the problem after performing the update.
For a while I was tracking the reported SSN errors here and on Ford's forum in a spreadsheet (you can still see it in the thread but I haven't updated it in a while). At the time it appeared that the number was something like 2% - 3% (a little higher than unplugged estimate).

Those numbers are for the SSN's reported here but my estimate may be a bit high (and unplugged's more accurate) because:
  • - There would be many people who DON'T get the SSN issue not on here (they are happy)
    - The majority of people who get SSN Google the error which drives them here (increasing the % here)

Having said all that there are people with tens of thousands of miles on their FFE who never got a SSN error.
With a gas powered car you have to worry about getting bad gas. This could cause a perfectly good running car to stall out unexpectantly. With the FFE i have never heard of the car stalling out because of bad electrons.
jmueller065 said:
For a while I was tracking the reported SSN errors here and on Ford's forum in a spreadsheet (you can still see it in the thread but I haven't updated it in a while). At the time it appeared that the number was something like 2% - 3% (a little higher than unplugged estimate).
I copied that spreadsheet, then updated it some into October, based on what I read in blogs (like right here).
My count was up to 50 cases, with a fair amount of detail, but cannot say it is complete (or error-free).
Thanks for the responses guys , even the yelling correctional response about shut down error.....oops i mean " HAD "Stop Safely Now" (SSN)". The car was flashed before I picked it up with the updates, now i just have to learn to live with range anxiety. On my trip from Seattle to Bellingham Wa. I stopped in Burlington for a charge and there was a leaf already there charging. Although I already new about and chose the FFE , the CHADeMo made me very Jealous and think about my choice of EV. Ultimately i chose the ffe for the driving experience and the technologically advance interior, the lease takes into account the advances that will take place over the next 3 years. The super charged NSX takes care of my days off of ffe
It's not a likely (or advisable) to successfully "upgrade" a FFE to CHAdeMO. The reason being that it requires a complete change of the battery charging system (and possibly the battery itself).

AC chargers such as the FFE's have a "rectifier" front end which converts the AC from your home to DC. Then there is a DC regulator to control the power going into the battery from this DC bus.

You would need to bypass the rectifier front end and then also convince the DC regulator that it's ok to charge at higher current (since it is limited according to the battery and the max input power).

What might be more likely to work would be to completely bypass the FFE's charger and install a DC charger directly to the battery. This is not safe in the least unless you really know what you are doing.

Really I don't see a safe or practical way to do this.
Yeah Ford would have to design that charger into the FFE during a model year upgrade. Which will not happen because Ford has already committed to supporting the SAE "frankenplug" solution.

I had been fighting with my Progressive insurance agent for years to get the SnapShot. At first, "It is not yet available in Las Vegas.", then, Next spring, Next Fall, This Spring, This Fall. Then, it is here, but doesn't
work with Hybrid or Electric Vehicles. At the time I had a 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid, and, a 2012 Chevrolet Volt. When I got my FFE, and, went to add it to my policy, Progressive website would not accept my VIN.
I took the car to my agent, who got the same response. He had to have them override the VIN to get it accepted. At the same time, I got him to have them send me a SnapShot device. It arrived and the box said
2014 Ford Focus. I plugged it in, got about 200 feet and got the Stop Safely warning. Turned the car off, then back on, and completed a couple mile trip with no further errors. The next morning, I took the car out
of the garage, got the same 200 feet, same message, only this time the car stopped on it's own. Went through the same procedure as the night before and, it proceeded to stop several times during the next mile.
I put it back into the garage and took the Civic to work. The next morning, I moved the device from the FFE OBDII port to the old GAS OBDII port where it has been operating fine for the last week. I was seeing
updates on the Progressive site that it was being seen, but, did not see any Data displayed. I checked just before writing this reply, and, had a notification from them to return the device. Before I moved it to the
GAS port, I contacted Progressive and was told the the only ELECTRIC vehicle that the SnapShot worked with was the Prius. Hmmmm.
Apparently a chademo retrofit is not entirely out of the question. A guy who is active on the myrav4ev web site is developing one as a product.

According to his website the unit works with Toyota and Mercedes evs, charges at 80 kw, costs $2000 and takes an hour to install.
michael said:
Apparently a chademo retrofit is not entirely out of the question. A guy who is active on the myrav4ev web site is developing one as a product.

According to his website the unit works with Toyota and Mercedes evs, charges at 80 kw, costs $2000 and takes an hour to install.
Could it be that "it is possible" with those EVs because they were built with Tesla technology? -- and may have a latent capability for fast charging.

It may not be possible with the current FFE.
Chademo is possible for any pack in the voltage range of the Chademo spec. The FFE absolutely is. I've been working on this for a while now. In the high voltage distribution box above the inverter there are two buss bars feeding the inverter. I have successfully metered pack voltage here. This is the point that I'm going to connect the Chademo main conductors. All the car needs to do is close two contactors and request amps over CAN. I'm prototyping this up with an Arduino Due. Inlet is readily available. ~$900 for the inlet. I'm mounting under the hood.
That makes sense. I've also seen people who retrofitted very old Leafs with auxiliary high power chargers.

The guy selling the Rav 4 Chademo adapters also states that they are easily removable when returning the car at the end of the lease, presumably reusable in another car. And, like your approach Sefs, he mounts his under the hood.

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