$157.98 NJ LEASE!!!

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guruuno said:
$2k down, 36 mo., 10,500 mi/yr, $157.98 payment!!
Killer deal?

The lease contract says there's $13,750 in rebates. Was the competitive lease conquest rebate required for that? I'm curious what added up to that amount.
"Accept", meaning "except".
Brain surgeon:
$2,000 cash deposit, $13,750 'Rebates & NON-CASH "Credits" '


(Read The Fine Manual)

Meaning, if you were intelligent enough to understand the document I posted, read the information, you'd realize that the $13,750 was a gift/rebate/credit/etc., and all I had to give was $2k down payment!
($2k= $2,000 or Two-Thousand Dollars and no/100)

Bottom line, now that you are educated, use the information to assist yourself in obtaining a similar deal if you are so inclined.
(directed to the last poster who has misinterpreted the facts)
@guruuno: You got a great deal, but nobody's much impressed with your interpersonal skills at this point.

Think twice before treating another poster's innocent question as if they've insulted your mother. It was just a question, and perhaps they did miss a detail or read too quickly. So what. Would have been any more difficult for you to assumed that and responded with courtesy instead of vitriol?
I don't NEED to have interpersonal skills.
This is a FORUM.
Forums are where people READ about other users posts, not make stupid assumptions based on their inability to READ!
Again, I don't need to have any interpersonal skills, it is not a prerequisite for living, but rather it is for surviving in Corporate America where you have to butter everything for "performance review", or shmoozing someone to get what you want.

If you are smart, and savvy, you succeed with the skills of the trenches, not the BS to make things nicer than the reality of what is.
Poor guruuno. That boardwalk fire must have really torn him up. Totally ruined his weekend. At least he's got the smart and savvy thing going for him, and an electric car forum to vent on.

We're here for you buddy.

guruuno said:
I don't NEED to have interpersonal skills.
Again, I don't need to have any interpersonal skills
If you are smart, and savvy, you succeed with the skills of the trenches, not the BS to make things nicer than the reality of what is.
Apologies guruuno, I obviously touched a nerve there with my poor word choice. Allow me to correct...

"You got a great deal, but nobody's much impressed with you at this point."
Okay, you are right that I did not read the whole lease. I skimmed the top, made an assumption, and posted my assumption. My bad. I also used the wrong word choice with "accept" instead of "except". You have proved that you can educate in a demeaning manner.
This is a forum which is meant to educate, but it also a forum that people can relate on a common topic. I come on here and post things not only to learn about the Ford Focus or to comment on things I may (or may not) know, but I come on here to enjoy my time, learning or relating. This is my free time that I give to this forum. I don't have to be perfect.
I do know one thing though, and that is decency and courtesy go a long way- not only in "Corporate America", but in any relationship. It makes for a more fun, enjoyable time. You don't have to have any manners. But they sure are nice to have.
I don't want to argue with you on a forum about leasing vehicles, so get over it.
guruuno said:
I was not intending to impress anyone, just educate and inform.
Could you educate and inform us as to how the $13,750 in credits and rebates added up? I see there's a $12,750 capitalized cost reduction. What was the remaining $1,000? Competitive lease cash or another rebate? Thanks.

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