$178/month 0 down 24 month lease

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Oct 12, 2013
2013 FFE leather

Should I go for it? got the P+S done and gave them deposit (to cover aquisition and doc fee), supposed to go sign lease tomorrow

Used to sell and lease cars. My only question is how many miles does the lease include? I suspect that at that price it is probably 10K or less.

Ford may have changed its money factor policy. When I leased in August, it favored the 36 month lease more than the 24 month one, 0% compared to around 5%.

13 or 14?
Assuming 10k miles/year, that is the best deal I have seen so far. Seems to good to be true.
zatopek said:
Did you ever get that lease?

I think he did.

He even posted a redacted scan of the contract!

Any prudent lease purchaser would use a print of that as negotiation tactic with a dealership.

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