Faster level 2 charging

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Oct 30, 2014
I notice a number of 18kw level 2 chargers popping up. I assume that these charge batteries nearly 3 times faster than our 6.6 kw onboard charges. Is there any possibility we would be able to upgrade our systems to handle higher input at some point?
One of our members here is working on something along these lines, however I don't know if he intends to commercialize it.

Someone has designed and is offering for sale a CHADEMO upgrade for the RAV-4 EV. Apparently this unit is currently being tested on 9 vehicles and is offered for sale in the near future at $2500 + $300 installation. The built-in charger on the RAV is 10 kW, this unit increases charge rate to about 40kW.
As far as I know you could add a second charger that is higher rated. Just know the chargers are REALLY expensive. Someone added a second 3.3kW+CHAdeMO here already.
joejoe2 said:
I notice a number of 18kw level 2 chargers popping up. I assume that these charge batteries nearly 3 times faster than our 6.6 kw onboard charges. Is there any possibility we would be able to upgrade our systems to handle higher input at some point?
Some EVs can take advantage of it. The B Class ED charges at 10 kW. Teslas can charge at 10 or 20 kW. Where have you seen these L2 chargers?
Some EVs can take advantage of it. The B Class ED charges at 10 kW. Teslas can charge at 10 or 20 kW. Where have you seen these L2 chargers?

In Delaware, Rehoboth for example

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