Illinois suspends (cancels) EV rebate program

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Active member
Jan 14, 2014
Brighton, IL
Well my wonderful state has just put a stake in the heart of the Focus Electric, Nissan Leaf, Tesla et al. Without any warning they have suspended (read that as cancelled) the state rebate program. I made the purchase of my FFE with that rebate in mind. I now have an enormous whole in my budget. Oh well it was just $4000. I can earn that in 18 months or so.... :evil:
I am also on the outs for 4 grand.. I purchased my FFE (may 2014) and mailed the application in as soon as I got my evplate (early july 2014).
I was hoping to apply that 4 grand to the balance of the loan ( yeah I bought it ) to offset the enormous depreciation of the first gen EV. At least I got the FED tax credit, I hope it is available for my next EV. I also failed to get my rebate for the 240V charger install.

Is this even legal? I smell a class action lawsuit.

love the car , needs more range though
OK thats no good !!! I still have a car on Order shoul be here April 17TH I left a deposit. If thats the case I already mailed my 50% rebate form for my charging station equipment and instalation, they said that its on hold due to our new Governor Bruce Rauner's Spending Freeze!!! But the lady from the Illinois Electric Vehicle Infrastructure rebate program said that its just a matter of time they will get funds its just reworking the budget. So if the 10%MSRP rebate is cancelled I am going to loose all that money ...I will probably have to pass on FFE its going to be to expensive....
I'm so sorry you all didn't get the rebates. Like a total idiot I procrastinated on submitting the EVSE rebate application. Oh well.

Can't see how pulling funding for a rebate program is illegal. Government organizations pull funding on all kinds of things all the time. It is the nature of the business. I seem to recall the website saying rebates would be processed until they ran out of funds. So they ran out of funds.

I so want to vent on the Republicans in the Tesla forum all crying about not getting their rebates. They all got exactly what they deserve. A guy runs on fixing Illinois government and the budget - what the heck do they expect he's going to do?
I don't have an issue with them suspending/canceling the program.. I do have a problem with the way they canceled it.. I could see a statement saying "going forwards the rebates will be cancelled". But for them to retroactively cancel rebate applications that have been in the system for almost a year. People have figured the rebate into their budgets and it is a pretty crappy thing to do so far after the fact.

Also, I believe the funds for the EV rebates are supposed to be dedicated to the program. To redirect these funds to other state programs is messed up and probably illegal.

from the Illinois green fleets site..

begin paste

The Illinois EPA has received $3 million in federal funding to be awarded in 2014, 2015, and 2016 to assist local governments, school districts, universities, small businesses, and similar fleets in the Chicago area in acquiring natural gas and propane vehicles. In addition, companies can apply for funding to purchase off-road mobile equipment that operates on natural gas, propane, or electricity. Unlike the existing Illinois Alternate Fuels Rebate Program, this is a “grant program” and eligible applicants in the Chicago area need to apply and be selected for a grant award prior to making any purchases or doing conversions.

end paste

I encourage affected people and Illinois residents to email, call or otherwise bitch about the situation. Newspaper, tv-news.

Perhaps someone should contact the Federal EPA program and inform them that the funds are being redirected illegally.

This Governor will most likely end up in Jail like most of the Illinois Governors

I am curious as to whether anyone from Illinois who is expecting a refund has received any "official" notifications from the state. The web site still says the program is still suspended while still offering the rebate.

I have left an email to the department as well as a phone call (no answer, left a voice mail) to the department.

they could not have been more vague if they tried :x
OK just got a call back from Illinois Green Fleets they said its suspended (stopped) not cancelled, due to MR Rauner freeze they dont know if they will get that money back which was approved through 2016. She said they are waiting for futher info,as of now they are still accepting apps but not procesing

Thank you for relaying that information. It would be great if they free up the funds from the budget. Even if they don't, it probably won't stop me from continuing to buy electric. I could always use an extra 4 grand though and that helps take the sting out of the rapid depreciation of the model.

I looked up the value of my 2013 FFE at Kelly Blue Book and it is only worth about 16K.. that is not much for a car that stickered for 39,500 2 years ago and it only has 9500 miles on it. I understand why that is the way it is, but I don't like it.

ON another subject..

I wonder what it would take to get Illinois to join the other CARB states ? It would be nice to have our collective ***** kissed by the automakers , like they do to California, Oregon, Washington, etc. drivers.
The funny thing about the suspension of the ev rebate is that it is actually funded by a surcharge (not a tax) that is taken directly out of our electric bills. They may have suspended the ev program but they sure keep taking the money out of our electric bills. Well I got a bridge to sell you lollolol. that is what they are saying to us. If they are going to suspend the ev program then the state of Illinois should get their fingers out of our electric bills. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you can hear them laughing all the way from Springfield.

there are 10 posts that is $45,000 dollars stolen.
Was it first come first served? We had an EV credit in Hawaii that ended really quickly. I think it was for $2,500 or so. We still get some pretty cool benefits including free parking downtown which easily costs $300 a month.
I still want the $4000 rebate. This program is facilitate by everyone in the state of Illinois that pays an electric bill and is facilitated by a surcharge (NOT A TAX) that is taken from EVERYONES Electric bill. If the rebate is gone then the surcharge from our Electric bills should also be gone. If we are not getting our money then get rid of the Surcharge.
Hello all,
I have been contacted by a law firm that is considering a Class Action Lawsuit against the state of Illinois for the "Alternative Fuel Rebates" suspension. I basically confirmed that I didn't get my rebate but did not commit further... Having never been part of a lawsuit (class action or otherwise), any advice from anyone? The Law firm already has several people onboard and asked me if I knew of any others who were in the same boat.. ( I remembered this thread so I figure I would post here to let people know)

If anyone is interested in knowing more.. let me know and I will post the name & website of the law firm so you can contact them (Assuming that does not break any posting rules).

Thank you all..
So OMG !!! Its September 24th2016!!!!! And I got my rebate today from state of IL it still cant believe it !!!!! Its been 16 months since I turned in the paper work , I tought that The program was doomed and today I got my beatifull check!!!