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Glad you got out of that mess! It would be interesting to google the VIN over the next month or two to see where that car ends up.
What made it tough was that the dealer who was servicing the car was not the one from which I bought it. As a consequence, he was not required to take it in at lease termination...he was allowed to, but not required.

Finally, he took mercy on me, took it back in. Otherwise, I would have been forced to wait til it was finally fixed, drive it to the other dealer, and return it there. Or, I suppose, tow it there and dump it on them.

But it worked out OK. The car worked well for 35 months and three weeks...good enough!
What a mess. But, like any car from any manufacturer -- there are always issues. I still maintain this is the best suited car to my situation out there. I forgot how much I liked this car, kinda like having a new car (being away from it for 2 mos).

So the rental car cost Ford $1700. The repair bill (without the rental) was $2300 according to the paperwork they dont let you keep. I put the car on a lift yesterday to inspect the work (since they basically took apart and replaced all the HV wiring). The work looks fine, you can tell things were unfastened, but nothing was left (that I can see) undone or poorly reinstalled.

During the repair, something snagged & ripped the drivers door seal. Took picture, dealer said "no problem, we'll replace." I also asked about any ongoing issues since my car is out of the 3/36 warranty (by time, not miles). They said anything having to do with the battery, errors, etc would likely be covered under the 1-yr warranty on the fix, which is acceptable and normal.

Overall, no complaints. Jim Tidwell Ford / Kennesaw Georgia.
I though the battery and High voltage components were under the 8 year warranty and if not that under the 5 year 60k powertrain warranty? I though the 3year 36k warranty was for little stuff like window motors, wipers and what not.