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I don't think the update will fix all the SSN issues. But is possible it could fix most of them. What concerns me is that some vehicles have never had a SSN and others have had SSN multiple times with no apparent difference between the vehicles. I suspect what Ford is doing is changing the level at which a SSN will occur. So that one random event would not cause a SSN, but rather a sustained fault is required. The fact that some of these SSN don't produce a fault code, does make it harder to track down the root cause of the problem. This often leaves the service tech clueless as to what to do.
jeffand said:
I suspect what Ford is doing is changing the level at which a SSN will occur. So that one random event would not cause a SSN, but rather a sustained fault is required.
Not sure about that: The Inside EVs article about the recall seemed to get some very specific information from Ford about what was happening:
“The exact nature of the problem with the FFE was a Battery Energy Control Module failing to communicate, which prevented the bottom HV battery from engaging.”
Granted reading the article that information seems like speculation but to me it seems too specific to be mere speculation.
What I see is that they are addressing a very specific situation that they have found from many of the SSN issues--not all of them though. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there were more recalls as they find more and more reasons for SSN's and fix them individually. In addition this would seem like a good reason for the car to shut down: If the car thinks that only one of the battery packs is engaged it may not have the juice to keep going...
The Inside EVs article can be found here:
The recall info states that the affected vehicles were manufactured through Aug 8, 2013. I wonder if Ford essentially solved the problem in the spring, tested it for a couple of months, then incorporated it into new assemblies beginning Aug 9.
Does this recall happen to cover a loaner vehicle? I've got a growing list of things to be fixed and would prefer them all at once. But if I have to pay for several days worth of a rental, forget it.

My IS350 (that I replaced with the FFE) had a recall on the valve guides. Not only did I have a loaner for 2 days but they also sent me a $500 gift card for my troubles. Funny enough as some people would claim "well thats Lexus and they can afford to do that because the cars arnt cheap" Sticker was only $6k more than my FFE.

What I really want to know is if this patch works. People that had SSN's a lot (man I feel bad saying that) are those cars fixed? It seems like there have been more and more reports or incidents of SSN.
az erik said:
Funny enough as some people would claim "well thats Lexus and they can afford to do that because the cars arnt cheap" Sticker was only $6k more than my FFE.
The difference is the profit margin. Lexus probably made thousands selling you the IS350. Ford probably made very little (or lost money) selling you the FFE.
Got home and my wife said, " there is a reall on the focus " I told her I know and it's for a serious issue with the car just shutting off. She nearly flipped and asked how they managed to sell the car with it doing that. Obviously it wasn't sold that way and that it's a fix for it.

Next letter gets opened out of the mail. Recall on my rx400h, for basically a SSN... Friggin kidding me right? The charge module can just fail and put the car into limp mode or in "rare" cases shut down completely... Wait for it... While driving!

This is why I fear the day I finally get my Carerra.
I'm having the recall done on Friday. My dealer said 1.5 hours it should be done (I'm guessing they added to the 30 minutes I saw here to set my expectations low so I'm happy if its done early). My dealer loans me a car any time I have service done, that's their policy for any car bought and serviced there. I've been getting Fusion Energi as loaners, I'm the only one that ever charges them. In this case, I'm waiting.
I called the dealer the day the recall was posted to make appointments for both cars. I dropped the white one off last night and will swap the blue tonight. It seems the SSN recall is on both and the blue one also has the other recall. Strange considering I picked these cars up 1 week apart. As an aside, I still have been unable to register the blue car on the mobile site. I get an error stating the car is already registered to another person. I have been in contact with Ford since inception without resolution. It is too aggravating to bother explaining. I have concerns over this upgrade considering they cannot figure out how to disconnect another from my NEW car. I have sent photos, follow up emails, spoken to a dozen different people who assure me they are working on it and that it had been escalated. I am extremely disappointed and lack confidence in their efforts. Counting down the days until I can return these cars and move on.
they cannot figure out how to disconnect another from my NEW car.
Did you try doing a reset from the car? Months ago when my car stopped syncing with myfordmobile, I reset the car from within the car causing me to reregister the car on myfordmobile. If it is registered to someone else, this should clear it....worth a shot.
I have never had the SSN issue, but decided to go ahead and do the recall. Appt is for tomorrow (Friday).
Will have both the 13C07 and 13S09 done at the same time.
Mine goes in monday for a whole list of "fix me's" but most of them cosmetic. No SSN to date, but I fully expect it this weekend. (Tis my luck)
Got my car back on 11/1/13, SSN~PCM reprogrammed, no issues so far, I hope this does the trick.
They gave me a loaner, do I ask for them to reimburse my gasoline usage costs?
Mine is still at the dealer. New dc to dc converter, cables, programing. Now "modules" of some kind are on order. Not happy!
Silly thing is still not working! Next up is a transmission replacement. Good Lord, what next if this doesn't work? I sent an email to Ford tonight requesting a buy back or exchange.
For being THE hottest thread on this discussion board, it has fallen very quiet over the last week, exactly what would happen if chronic SSNers have had no new instances after update, but are also leary of speaking too soon.

This is a very good sign. Tentatively.

Since leasing in Aug, no SSNs for us, and still haven't gone in for the fix.
Josephus said:
For being THE hottest thread on this discussion board, it has fallen very quiet over the last week, exactly what would happen if chronic SSNers have had no new instances after update, but are also leary of speaking too soon.
LOL I was going to post something similar but was going to wait a bit more..

"Quiet around here....too quiet!"
OK have to brake (pun) the silence. Got the car in July and it's now at the shop for the SSN "recall". Driving the loaner for almost 2 weeks now. No word from the dealer since i dropped the car off for the upgrade. (half moon bay CA - apparently this is the first FFE that they have serviced). My main problem was the 12V battery draining often. The first SSN was diagnosed as a 330V batery faulty connector seating. I did get a second SSN while backing but the car ran fine. we'll see.
Today marks 7 weeks ago that my SSN message popped up and the car was towed to the dealer. It is still there! Ford says they are going to fix it. I think it may be unfixable. They are waiting on parts for the transmission repair currently. How about the rest of you who have been in for repair? Are you fixed?
Ken you are an extremely patient person. I do not think I could manage paying for a car for 7wks while Ford is trying to figure themselves out. The is completely unreasonable. Have you considered a buy back? There are so many EV options about to be introduced into the market. Mercedes Benz for example partnered with Tesla and BMW who has the ActiveE out being testing is releasing their car.

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